This time around, he claims to have 500 emails that the House subpoenaed and Karl Rove claims were deleted forever. They prove definitively, says Palast, that the Justice Department is infested with operatives taking orders from Rove to steal upcoming elections for Republicans and permanently alter the Department.
The "clownocracy" of Bush and Rove is criminal and even evil in its attempts to steal past and future elections, according to Palast, and can only be stopped if "Democrats...find their souls and find their balls."
In an updated new version of his best-selling book, Armed Madhouse, Palast lays out the case for the future theft of the presidency, along with lots of other Executive malfeasance. I chatted with him about the role of the Justice Department in this scheme, and what it means for the viability of our "democracy."
PUBLISHER'S UPDATE: Here are some of the 500 emails. —JD
JEFF DIEHL: First off, the "lost" emails. I guess you're confident those 500 emails aren't themselves a hoax? Considering the source? [John Wooden, the man behind the spoof site, whitehouse.org, forwarded them on to Palast after someone accidentally sent them to Wooden's georgewbush.org domain.]
GREG PALAST: Oddly, the GOP verified their authenticity to BBC. I almost fell over dead when they did that.
JD: How did they do that exactly?
See also…
Remember, there's no First Amendment in England. I'm wrong, I'm sued, I'm broke, I'm toast.
JD: Let's move on to former Justice Department counsel (and Regent University graduate) Monica Goodling's recent testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee, since it's so fresh...
GP: The blondeling underling of the Police State. The lady was trying to tell us something important, but the dim bulbs of the U.S. press and the committee dolts wouldn't listen. She began by accusing her bosses of perjury. The issue was her allegation that they knew all about "caging." And no one asked her one damn question about it. Like what is "caging" and why would they commit perjury to cover it up?
JD: Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) asked, and Goodling said, "It has to do with direct mail."
GP: And that was it. D'oh! It's not about "direct mail." Direct mail has to do with Victoria's Secret and stuff like that. This was all about stealing the 2004 — and 2008 — elections. That's why she wanted immunity. She was afraid it would all unravel, the caging game...but she had nothing to fear.
JD: Well, it is a direct mail term, but it's also a voter supression term. Do no senators know that, not even Committee Chair John Conyers?
GP: Conyers knows — and he knows me. He's keeping his powder dry. The others are clueless.
Caging works like this. Hundreds of thousands of Black and Hispanic voters were sent letters — do not forward. Letters returned as undeliverable ("caged") were used as evidence the voter didn't live at their registered address. The GOP goons challenged these voters' right to cast ballots — and their votes were lost.
But whose letters were caged? Here's where the game turns to deep evil. They targeted Black students on vacation, homeless men — and you'll love this — Black soldiers sent overseas. They weren't living at their home voting address because they were shivering under a Humvee in Falluja.
JD: As you put it in regard to election rigging, 2000 was about "purge lists," 2004 was about "caging," and 2008 will be about "verification." Can you briefly explain the difference between these?
GP: Sure. In 2000, I cracked the computer disks (CD-ROMs then) from Katherine Harris' office showing 56,000 names of voters "purged" from voter rolls as felons who aren't allowed to vote. In fact, every one — every one — was an innocent voter, though most were guilty of VWB — Voting While Black. That was the 2000 "purge."
In 2004, it was nearly identical. Except, instead of calling voters "felons," they called them "suspect" voters, fraudulently using a false voting address. The effect was the same: the voter would lose their registration; or their vote on election day when they showed to vote; or, in the case of soldiers, their absentee ballot would be challenged and tossed.
JD: You claim the reason for Democrat inaction in election scandals is because of racism, that the white caucus is bigger than the black caucus. But don't Democrats gain by making sure black people are enfranchised?
GP: Which Democrats? The huge purge and block of voters in Georgia [were done by] reptiles like Zell Miller in control of the Georgia Democratic Party. There's an awful lot of Democrats who would not win primaries if dark-skinned citizens could just vote any time they pleased.
JD: My mind goes back to Conyers. What did you mean earlier by "keeping his powder dry?"
GP: We talk. 'Nuff said.
JD: Fair enough. So you're working also with former U.S. Attorney for New Mexico, David Iglesias, yes?
GP: Claro que si.
JD: I was watching Chris Matthews' TV show — "Softball," as you've called it — and he asked Iglesias what his long term plans were — if he was writing a book. Iglesias indicated that he was, and also, that he wanted a TV show similar to Matthews' at some point, and seemed to be totally serious. Given that Iglesias has been willing to go "along with the game" in the past, are you concerned that his recent turn might be motivated by opportunism?
GP: I don't care if he's motivated by a love of Barbie dolls. He's been pushed by the Rove-bots to expose the game. I'll take it anyway I can get it — the facts, ma'am.
JD: Do you have a wide-angle view of the current Administration's strategy with the Justice Department, and if so, give us the summary. Is it about election theft, or is it mostly about stocking the lake for future conservative judge appointments?
GP: Yes. First, it's elections. They don't want the voters making any foolish choices. Specifically, while the attention's been focused 100% on the firings, no one is talking about the hirings. That's what Goodling was trying to get across.
The key: at the "Pearl Harbor Day Massacre," they replaced the prosecutors with Rove-bots, a sleeper cell of anti-Constitutional saboteurs who will explode in 2008, led by the new prosecutor for Arkansas, Tim Griffin.
JD: Talk a little bit about the relevance of Tim Griffin — the perp who became prosecutor — and Arkansas in 2008.
GP: It was Griffin who directed the "caging" ops for the GOP. Caging, by the way, is illegal. Law Professor Bobby Kennedy pointed out it violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — and I'd add, as a former racketeering investigator, mail fraud statutes. So Griffin's a felon — now U.S. Attorney.
JD: Is Kennedy still actively publicizing this?
GP: Yes. The incriminating email is reproduced right in Armed Madhouse. That's why Griffin and Goodling were high-fiving over the fact that no one's picked up the investigations of that "British reporter" Palast.
The key thing is, Griffin is not just "involved," he is directing the scheme. His denial was confidential — had to be subpoenaed. Remember, as Goodling testified, the line of the Bushies is that Griffin had nothing to do with caging.
JD: So is Congress eventually going to get to all this? Is that the end game with the Justice Department investigation?
GP: No, Congress won't do squat. Did anyone do anything about the felon purge? It went backwards: Bush signed the Help America Vote Act. God forbid.
Explore more of Greg Palast's reporting on his website.
See also:
Homeland Security Follies
John Edwards' Virtual Attackers Unmasked
Iraq Battle Videos
Did Bush Spin Like Nixon?
The Chicks Who Tried to Shoot Gerald Ford
World Sex Laws
Is It Fascism Yet?
Detention and Torture
Awesomest Congressional Campaign Ever
This is not really a partisan problem. It’s unfortunate but inevitable that both parties need to resort to such underhanded techniques, otherwise they stand no chance of winning. The best thing we can do here is clean up the voting system and enforce the rules.
It is very difficult for people (including those who make the law and those who enforce it) to maintain respect for the law or the rights of others when high-profile persons commit such blatant violations without any real penalty. What are we supposed to teach our children?
Is Palast an unwitting agent of the Chalabi MI6 private mercenary group linked to 911 and the invasion of Iraq? A disinformation agent?
Analyze Greg Palast’s sources, who are they?
Falah Aljibury- “Ronald Reagan’s “back-channel” to Saddam, lso involved in selecting a transistional leader to replace Saddam Hussein after the invasionâ€
Robert Ebel. – a former Energy and CIA oil analyst, now a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS FRONT)
Amy Jaffee- Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies, James A. baker III Institute for Public Policy and Associate Director, Rice University Energy Program (co funer and director energy program, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS)
Falah Aljibury
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Falah Aljibury is a consultant for Amerada Hess oil and Goldman Sachs. He is also an alleged participant in a secret meeting led by Pamela Quanrud of the National Security Council. He hosted early planning sessions for the 2003 Invasion of Iraq at his house in San Francisco, USA and was also involved in selecting a transistional leader to replace Saddam Hussein after the invasion.
Amy Jaffee, Wallace S. Wilson Fellow for Energy Studies, James A. baker III Institute for Public Policy and Associate Director, Rice University Energy Program
Jaffe is widely published in academic journals and numerous book volumes and served as co-editor of Energy in the Caspian Region: Present and Future (Palgrave, 2002) and Natural Gas and Geopolitics: From 1970 to 2040 (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Jaffe served as a member of the reconstruction and economy working group of the Baker/Hamilton Iraq Study Group, as project director for the Baker Institute/Council on Foreign Relations
16 min – May 19, 2007 – (5 ratings)
… Analysis of the film syriana, THE EVOLVING LIES ON 9/11 BY GEORGE CLOONEY …
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By Greg Palast
Reporting for Newsnight
The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq’s oil before the 9/11 attacks, sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil, BBC’s Newsnight has revealed.
Iraqi-born Falah Aljibury says US Neo-Conservatives planned to force a coup d’etat in Iraq
Two years ago today – when President George Bush announced US, British and Allied forces would begin to bomb Baghdad – protesters claimed the US had a secret plan for Iraq’s oil once Saddam had been conquered.
In fact there were two conflicting plans, setting off a hidden policy war between neo-conservatives at the Pentagon, on one side, versus a combination of “Big Oil” executives and US State Department “pragmatists”.
“Big Oil” appears to have won. The latest plan, obtained by Newsnight from the US State Department was, we learned, drafted with the help of American oil industry consultants.
Insiders told Newsnight that planning began “within weeks” of Bush’s first taking office in 2001, long before the September 11th attack on the US.
We saw an increase in the bombing of oil facilities and pipelines [in Iraq] built on the premise that privatisation is coming
Mr Falah Aljibury
An Iraqi-born oil industry consultant, Falah Aljibury, says he took part in the secret meetings in California, Washington and the Middle East. He described a State Department plan for a forced coup d’etat.
Mr Aljibury himself told Newsnight that he interviewed potential successors to Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bush administration.
Secret sell-off plan
The industry-favoured plan was pushed aside by a secret plan, drafted just before the invasion in 2003, which called for the sell-off of all of Iraq’s oil fields. The new plan was crafted by neo-conservatives intent on using Iraq’s oil to destroy the Opec cartel through massive increases in production above Opec quotas.
Former Shell Oil USA chief stalled plans to privatise Iraq’s oil industry
The sell-off was given the green light in a secret meeting in London headed by Mr Chalabi shortly after the US entered Baghdad, according to Robert Ebel.
Mr Ebel, a former Energy and CIA oil analyst, now a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, told Newsnight he flew to the London meeting at the request of the State Department.
Mr Aljibury, once Ronald Reagan’s “back-channel” to Saddam, claims that plans to sell off Iraq’s oil, pushed by the US-installed Governing Council in 2003, helped instigate the insurgency and attacks on US and British occupying forces.
“Insurgents used this, saying, ‘Look, you’re losing your country, you’re losing your resources to a bunch of wealthy billionaires who want to take you over and make your life miserable,'” said Mr Aljibury from his home near San Francisco.
“We saw an increase in the bombing of oil facilities, pipelines, built on the premise that privatisation is coming.”
Privatisation blocked by industry
Philip Carroll, the former CEO of Shell Oil USA who took control of Iraq’s oil production for the US Government a month after the invasion, stalled the sell-off scheme.
Mr Carroll told us he made it clear to Paul Bremer, the US occupation chief who arrived in Iraq in May 2003, that: “There was to be no privatisation of Iraqi oil resources or facilities while I was involved.”
Amy Jaffee says oil companies fear a privatisation would exclude foreign firms
Ariel Cohen, of the neo-conservative Heritage Foundation, told Newsnight that an opportunity had been missed to privatise Iraq’s oil fields.
He advocated the plan as a means to help the US defeat Opec, and said America should have gone ahead with what he called a “no-brainer” decision.
Mr Carroll hit back, telling Newsnight, “I would agree with that statement. To privatize would be a no-brainer. It would only be thought about by someone with no brain.”
New plans, obtained from the State Department by Newsnight and Harper’s Magazine under the US Freedom of Information Act, called for creation of a state-owned oil company favoured by the US oil industry. It was completed in January 2004 under the guidance of Amy Jaffe of the James Baker Institute in Texas.
Formerly US Secretary of State, Baker is now an attorney representing Exxon-Mobil and the Saudi Arabian government.
View segments of Iraq oil plans at http://www.GregPalast.com
Questioned by Newsnight, Ms Jaffe said the oil industry prefers state control of Iraq’s oil over a sell-off because it fears a repeat of Russia’s energy privatisation. In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, US oil companies were barred from bidding for the reserves.
Ms Jaffe says US oil companies are not warm to any plan that would undermine Opec and the current high oil price: “I’m not sure that if I’m the chair of an American company, and you put me on a lie detector test, I would say high oil prices are bad for me or my company.”
The former Shell oil boss agrees. In Houston, he told Newsnight: “Many neo conservatives are people who have certain ideological beliefs about markets, about democracy, about this, that and the other. International oil companies, without exception, are very pragmatic commercial organizations. They don’t have a theology.”
A State Department spokesman told Newsnight they intended “to provide all possibilities to the Oil Ministry of Iraq and advocate none”.
Greg Palast’s film – the result of a joint investigation by Newsnight and Harper’s Magazine – will be broadcast on Thursday, 17 March, 2005.
Newsnight is broadcast every weekday at 10.30pm on BBC Two in the UK.
“Outside of the United States, control over the petroleum industry (including reserves, production, refining, transportation, and marketing) is divided, for all practical purposes, between state monopolies and seven large international petroleum companies, five of which are American and two British-Dutch.â€
The International Petroleum Cartel, Staff Report to the Federal Trade Commission, released through Subcommittee on Monopoly of Select Committee on Small Business, U.S. Senate, 83d Cong., 2nd sess (Washington, DC, 1952), Chapter 2, “Concentration of Control of the World Petroleum Industry,” pp. 21-36.
16 min – May 19, 2007 – (5 ratings)
… Analysis of the film syriana, THE EVOLVING LIES ON 9/11 BY GEORGE CLOONEY …
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And I always wondered why people actually have to register before being allowed to vote!
Here in Holland, you register with your municipality when you go and live there. You receive, automatically, a voter card at the address you’re registered at. At election day, you bring the voter card and your passport, and you can vote (or not, if you choose to do so).
But that system, of course, allows blacks and other non-white immigrants to vote. Call me crazy, but that system sounds rather democratic.
Hey, Greg–10 Zen is great–and so-o scary. We’re trying to help get it out there, so here’s–for what it’s worth–a letter to Amy G,
To. Amy Goodman
We heard Harvey Wasserman? a week or two ago on the show, which reminded us of Greg Palast’s article on Rove’s 2008 computer-generated voter challenge plan.
Could you get someone–Palast, Moore, anyone, on to talk about how to get this in the “public domain” before another election is stolen, and we all run around cluck-clucking. Maybe a Dem candidate would have to make it a media issue–like the “Emperor Has no Clothes” type.
We’re both psychologists and can’t figure out what goes on with Dem candidates mind’s–and we know they’re very finky on most issues, but still you’d think that people who appear to work like the devil for the nomination, and then meekly conceded to fraud. They act like its’ a tea party where we don’t speak of nasty things like stealing elections.
Lise & Neal
What happens if two candidates get the same number of votes?
I have feeling based in the acrimonious feel of the Republicans versus the Democrats, versus the Tea Party, that 2012 voting may be rift with voter purging scandals. I’m lookng for the Republicans to hit a gauntlet prior to the election and resort to nefarious tactics in an attempt to gain control of the WH. Mark my words; this is going to happen.
Perfect color of this blog.
It is nearly impossible to tell the media a story if they don’t want to hear it. You’re not going to get stories from the media unless it’s prepackaged. Just like food is better if it’s raw or organic -– well, so is the news. When it’s prepackaged and pre-made, and it fits very nice in a press release, that’s junk -– it’s just junk news like junk food.