You would think that having all of your limbs would make you feel complete. But for an apotemnophiliac or an acrotomophiliac, less is more. Acrotomophilia, or amputee love, is rare. These folks, sometimes called devotees, feel a sexual, ecstatic joy when fantasizing about or faced with a limbless person. In some extreme cases, that desire turns inward — leading to the powerful urge to self-amputate (apotemnophilia).
Why would anyone voluntarily amputate a part of oneself? The amputee fixation and the desire to self-amputate can be attributed to people trying to get the love and affection they feel they're missing. As one man says, "When I was young, my mother used to see crippled kids and say 'Oh, that poor child.' I guess I just wanted that kind of sympathy and kindness, too."
There are a few other causes of this cutting-edge fetish: an eroticization of the stump or the desire for over-achievement despite a handicap. Thus, several times a year there are reports of perfectly healthy men and women who either find a doctor to perform this very unnecessary surgery or attempt it themselves. This is usually done by whatever means happens to be handy, or by infecting themselves and therefore giving a more reputable surgeon no recourse but to cut off the limb.
"I just didn't feel right," says one woman, who successfully worked to have part of her leg removed. "Now I feel like a real person."
For many with acrotomophilia, the desire becomes wildly sexual — making it just about impossible for them to have good sex with anyone who has two arms or two legs. Fantasies can include caressing and making love to the stumps of missing limbs.
"I would spend hours," says a young woman with this outré fetish, "just thinking of caressing a man's stump: the way it would feel, smell and taste."
Sites such as RateMyStump.com (warning: intrusive cookies) allow devotees to share amputee pictures, stories, and even contact information — so those missing limbs can find amputee aficionados.
Apotemnophilia and acrotomophilia, while still pretty rare, get down to the very basics of sex: love, nourishment, and caretaking. And what better target or vehicle for such things than someone who's missing a limb or two?
See also:
World Sex Laws
Pregnant Nympho Sex
Beware. The ratemystump site will download some nasty nasty cookies onto your computer.
i know a girl who has a fetish for paraplegics. last i heard she had bought a plane ticket to australia for $3000 to meet a guy who she had met online, who’s paralyzed from the neck down from a surfing accident. i said “excuse me for being 8 years old, but does his dick work?” not surprisingly, it doesn’t. but it’s not that she just happened to meet a disabled guy online, she was actually on a website for disabled people, wookin pa nub.
First, Body Integrity Identity Disorder is not just about needing to be an amputee. There are many, like me, who need to be paralysed. Or Deaf, or blind, or any number of other conditions.
Second, it is NOT a sexual fetish. The idea of being paralysed does not turn me on. And while there is a small segment of people with this condition who are indeed turned on at the idea of being paralysed, this is not, by far, the majority.
Third, one has to make the distinction between those who “wannabe”, that is those who need to have an impairment, and those who are “devotees”. While some people who have BIID are also devotees, the two “phenomenons” are quite distinct from one another.
All in all, this post is innacurate, ill informed and stinks of sensationalism. The conclusion makes it appear as if people suffering from BIID are sexual predators targetting amputees, which is a complete falsehood.
This is an amazing thing to me. I have strange little twitchy fancies to do something that I can’t even verbalize sometimes, but I’d say the imagery skirts around the same kind of amputee and paralytic fetishes that we’re reading about here. Imagine my surprise, though, when these melancholy, surreal, half-formed daydreams of mine (which comfort and disturb me at once) suddenly see part of themselves resolutely categorized in type. What are all the “-ilias” and other clinical, fetish designations? Is therapy needed for this? Or do we think a clinical term and a psychological compartment will vindicate the fetish? None of that matters. Some people just have both a strangeness to their thinking and a self-acceptance that allows for these somewhat morbid fantasies and fetishes to come through now and again in their lives. These are not homicidal or suicidal tendencies. They just deviate from popular preference. As a homosexual, I can sympathize quite a bit.
Oh yeah, forgot about the people who want to SELF-amputate…Body Integrity Identity Disorder, all that…whew…kind of out of my league. Plastic utensils only, I guess’ and burn down the tool shed.
For the record, I was only talking about the folks with amputee and paralytic fixations.
as an actual r leg amputee (car crash in decembe 2006) i will say to all these people that want to be amputee…you are fucking crazy…you have no idea what the fuck you are getting in to…you have no idea just how much you life will change and what it could possible mean to be an amputee….if you want go cut off a limb then come talk to me when you are trying to fucking walk four months later on your prosthetic and falling on you ass…and i will laugh at you and call you fucking stupid….it boggles the mind to think that there could be people that want to be an amputee…they really have no idea what it means
Excuse me actua but, if you don’t accept your present situation, do not accuse anybody to life as they wish…
See the thing is i have came to accept my situation and accept the fact my life is completely different now in way you (assuming you are a non amputee) could not even imagine. and even if i had not accepted my situation it would still not prevent me saying that these people have not idea what it actually means to be an amputee
Wow, wow… seriously, this is unbelievable. I stumbled upon this whole amputee-devotee thing by accident when i typed in “lossprevention.net” into the address bar on my computer thinking it would take me to an actual loss prevention sight (as in store security type stuff). I thought it was a joke, honestly. people having fetishes for amputees is something i’ve never heard of, and i’ve heard of a LOT of crazy fetishes including acne fetishes and poop-eating fetishes… but this takes the cake… mostly because it’s something new. I guess it’s not as crazy as the previously mentioned two, but still… i’ve never heard of it. And as far as the apotemnophiles… wow, yeah, you’re a little out there. I found something else during further research of this phenomena… a thing about a guy who shot himself in the knee with a rifle so that the doctor would amputate his leg to above the knee… what the hell man, what the hell? That’s going a little too far. I mean, I have fetishes too… but I don’t go getting into them all. My advice to those of you who are apotemnophiles; jerk off and be done with it. Fantasize and get rid of the sexual frustration, then be done with it until you need to do that again. Never, ever cut your limb off to satisfy an urge. That’s as bad as people who are turned on by the idea of being castrated; if you do it once, you can never do it again… i mean, what the hell? That’s all I have to say I guess. I’ve said my piece. Again… wow.
I agree with dumbfounded and actua. Why would anyone willingly remove part of their body? People have..way too much time on their hands..this is incredibly disturbing :\… you’re talking about willingly destroying your body when people are devastated by amputation daily.. needless injury… and you want people to recognize it as a legitimate form of expression.. ? i just don’t understand… I think you need some counselling or something, because you’d have to be really disturbed to consider extreme-(or any, really, form of)self-mutilation to any degree appealing.
Since watching a video on YouTube called “Hatchet Vs. Genitals” I’ve been surfing the net for websites that promote this type of body mutilation such as BME.com. I’ve seen videos of this disturbing behavior and honestly it makes me feel crazy watching people do this and actually like it. I can’t even beleive it half the time that this type of thing can actually be being praised and supported. The people that defend this stuff are delusional and need serious help. You guys are fucked up in the head and I feel bad for you. Stop trying to act like there are sooooooooooo many people that enjoy this and that it’s normal becuase it’s NOT ….it’s just NOT! You are utterly alone with a select few when you say that body mutilation is an acceptable form of mutilation and even try to imply that it is “beautiful”. WHAT THE FUCK???? CHOPPING OFF YOUR OWN BALLS AND SHIT?????? DO US A FAVOR AND CHOP OFF YOUR FUCKIN HEAD YOU WEIRD SICKOS!!!!
There are people out there who like the idea of losing a limb because they believe that it improves them and they absolutly do not want a limb. So they are willing to do whatever to remove said limb. Some people even envy people with missing limbs because they get treated specially or they would love to have a missing part. Note: I however have an amputeephobia. Say someone has a part like a head missing or is a torso. I get freaked beond belief. Of course that could just be major body part missing phobia. You pretty much get the point.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I have a transformation fetish. I basicly love seeing people transform into animals. Yeah, there is such a thing.
I want to be a right above knee amputee.
Each and every negative judgemental comment against someone and their personally held kink is kindaaaaaa a prick. Don’t get me wrong, losing my left leg to a traumatic aka after a bad car wreck is something I wish I could revert every day; I miss walking/playing sports/running/not being stared at/not using a walker. But if someone wants to go through an experience I so far have consider a degrading little slice of personal hell, by all means I invite you to it. Though someone brought up a good point; don’t do it for sexual reasons because you can only do it once… what you feel you want your physical body to become is your perogative. Just know that the “attention and special treatment” you get from beung disabled is heavily outweighed by the feelings of embarrassments when you get stared at and the ‘harmless jokes’ (had some old guy call me “hop-along” at Wal-Mart the other day) and the initial feelings of inadequacy and complete and utter loss you feel when you lose part of your body.