It's a battle of pop culture titans as two empires -- one high-tech, one high-rise -- clash in explosive PR fury. Since these two heavyweight memes have climbed into the competitive media ring of their own volition, we thought we'd size them up for you. As Stephen Colbert would say: "Pick a side -- we're at war!"
iPhone: Simple to use.
Paris Hilton: Simple.
iPhone: Well-protected against viruses.
Paris Hilton: Has herpes.
iPhone: Critics complained battery life too short.
Paris Hilton: Critics complained prison life too short.
iPhone: Provides driving directions.
Paris Hilton: Knows how to drive. (Sort of.)
iPhone: Responds to touch from multiple fingers at once.
Paris Hilton: Responds to touch from multiple fingers at once.
iPhone: Wants to be held by everyone.
Paris Hilton: Wants to be held by her mother.
iPhone: Sexy footage leaked onto the net.
Paris Hilton: Sexy footage leaked onto the net.
iPhone: Appeared in multi-million dollar ad campaign.
Paris Hilton: Appeared in House of Wax.
iPhone: Everyone wants what's in the box.
Paris Hilton: Everyone knows what's in the box.
Feel free to make your own comparisons in the comments...
See also:
Expect Trouble Activating Your iPhone
I'm a Mac v. Bill Gates: iPhone debate
5 Sexiest Apple Videos
How the iPod Changes Culture
Wonderful Wizardry of Woz
iPhone: pretty face
Paris: not so much, really
iPhone: Has at least 4 gigs of memory
Paris Hilton: Doesn’t
iPhone: Has a religious following of young geeks.
Paris Hilton: Has a religious following of young girls.
iPhone: Licks the competition.
Paris Hilton: Licks the —–.
iPhone: Cool looking and highly functional.
Paris Hilton: Cool looking and highly dysfunctional.
This reminds me of the penis slogan game. You know, take a product slogan and substitute the word “penis” for the product. “Have a Coke and a smile” turns into “have a penis and a smile.” You can have some fun with that too. You’d be surprised how many of them actually make sense in one way or another.
iPhone: I wouldn’t pay for it, but if someone wanted to give me one I would accept.
Paris Hilton: I wouldn’t pay for her, but if she wanted to give me one I would accept.
Hey, have you actually seen that sleep inducing video of her getting shagged? It is so boring that if I found my 12 year old son perusing it, I would smack him and teach him how to use google better!
I think that most men would find it extremely difficult to stay awake, let alone anything else in the sack with that boring, cold fish.
iPhone: Sometimes sucks.
Paris Hilton: Always sucks (literally).
Don’t forget Michael Moore’s movie too – in the 3 way battle he is the twerp
“iPhone: Questionable protection against viruses.”
Wrong line. Something like: “Keeps legs crossed like a nun” would have been more proper. Apple won’t even let anyone else develop *programs* for the damn thing… :P
Funny stuff – love the comparison!
I actually wrote something about this recently on my site too — personally, I think they both cost too much.
iPhone – Face consists of hard, transparent plastic shell
Paris – Face consists of hard, transparent plastic shell
iPhone – Can be bought for $599.
Paris – Can be bought for a line of blow
iPhone – Fits easily in your pants
Paris – Get easily into her pants
iPhone: Responds to touch from multiple fingers at once.
Paris Hilton: Responds to touch from multiple fists at once.
iPhone: regurgitates files stored in memory
Paris Hilton: regurgitates semen stored in vagina
[…] Ok I totally laughed my head off when reading this article by 10 Zen Monkeys. They compare Paris *Yuk* Hilton with the iPhone. Some random quotes below, including some hilarious quotes from the comments. […]
We’ve been watching Paris Hilton’s BFF. Where do they come across these folks? They’re from another world!
Paris is very hot.
Paris Hilton is a crucified and misunderstood angel for having foibles, only the press and public opinion magnifies those mistakes beyond what is reasonable.