What separates Hillary Scott from two of the most recent top-earning porn starlets, Jenna Jameson and Tera Patrick?
All three started off as fresh-faced, natural-breasted ingénues in the eternal Ed Powers series "Dirty Debutantes." All three ante'd up for silicon 'n' surgery. And all three had something special about them that made them the stars they are. But the difference is simple — Hillary Scott fucks black guys.
And is proud of it. No, even better, she loves it. While few besides Scott will talk about it, there's a tangible streak of racism running through the adult entertainment industry. This despite the fact that ethnic-themed videos are a huge revenue stream, and performers like Shane Diesel and Lexington Steele are familiar names to porn enthusiasts. I attempted to contact both for this piece, but assume my chances would've been better if I looked like Hillary Scott as opposed to Vic Tayback...
But I cornered the lovely and black-cock-lovin' Hillary before this year's Adult Video News Awards show in Las Vegas (natch), and asked her about life being an up-and-coming (literally) young starlet and those other young starlets who choose to avoid interracial scenes for fear of its impact on their careers.
Steve Robles: What's a nice girl next door like you doing in a place like Vegas?
Hillary Scott: (Laughs) Well, it may appear that I'm a nice innocent girl, but inside, I'm kind of a dirty whore!
SR:I should point out what a beautiful smile you have on your face when you say that.
HS: Say it with joy. Say it with pride. "I'm a dirty whore!"
SR: I've heard in interviews, some girls say that they hesitate to do inter-racial scenes because of what it'll do their career. What do you think about an attitude like that?
HS: I think a girl that thinks doing inter-racial will hurt her career, it just makes her look like a racist asshole. I mean, it's just absurd to me. How are you going to say that? With all your black fans out there hearing that, and also all the black people in the industry, too, that's just incredibly offensive.
You either like all cock or you don't. If you don't like working with them because you're not attracted to them, then just say that. Don't say "It'll hurt your career." That's fucking racist! It's bullshit!
SR: Speaking of controversies, here's another one. Female orgasms — do you think there are enough of them in adult?
HS: I do not! I think a lot of girls are just straight-up hookers — they just do it for the money and they're not really enjoying it. And I can tell!
Working with girls you can tell when they're faking an orgasm or not. And I'm like, if you're there, and you're getting fucked — why not at least enjoy it? You know? And it looks so much better on camera.
SR: I've never understood that myself. I've got lots of conspiracy theories about it. If you're a guy, and you've ever given a girl an orgasm — or if you're a girl and you've ever given another girl an orgasm — you're not going to fall for that for a single second! That kind of over-blown, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" — you know? Whereas I've seen you announce that you're going to have an orgasm — and then you have an orgasm!
HS: Yes. In fact, I refuse to fake orgasms on camera. I refuse to! I'm like, if you want me to say I'm having an orgasm, then...somebody needs to give me an orgasm!
SR: Have you been asked to do such a dirty thing?
HS: Yeah. It depends on the director, but yeah! Some of them really need that in the scene, and I'm like, "Well listen, you know, let me give you something real."
SR: Or give me a guy who fucks me 'til I come!
HS: Or that! That would be preferable...
SR: Do you see yourself getting into the business side or going behind the camera?
HS: Well, I actually have already. This past weekend I shot a movie for Sexy Pictures. It's called Extreme Asshole Makeover.
SR: And what does that involve?
HS: It involves pretty young girls getting their little tight assholes made over. And that includes gaping and double penetration and lots of fingering and big dildos in the ass. Good times!
SR: Fun for the whole family!
HS: Yeah!
SR: What's up with this whole asshole bleaching thing, anyways? Are you into it?
HS: I don't need it. I have a nice little pink, puckered asshole. But I think it's more for the girls who have the brown asshole, and it kind of always looks like they didn't wipe all the way. So, I don't need the anal bleaching, but I can respect it. I'm not gonna hate on the girls that need it and do it. Good for them!
SR: So you did "Night Shift Nurses Escort Service" for Hustler. Do you like playing dress-up in your private life?
HS: Mmmm... Not so much in my private life. All my weird fantasies and kinks? I get all that out doing porn. That's like my playground, and where I meet exhibitionists, and I get like... That's my dirty side.
See, when I'm at home, I'm the girl next door! But on camera, I'm the dirty whore!
SR: I'm starting to get the picture! So when I say "romance," what does that mean to you?
HS: Romance? (Pause) Geez. Well, romance to me, honestly... (pause) is absolutely nothing sexual. Because I have so much sex with so many random people all the time, that's like — that's fucking. So romance to me is like a nice, generic...and cuddling, you know, and my vagina and my asshole left alone! For just like an hour or so!
SR: What did you do for Valentine's Day?
HS: I've managed to be single on Valentine's Day every year.
SR: It sucks, doesn't it.
HS: It's annoying.
SR: It's the one time of the year that you actually have to get defensive about being single.
HS: Yeah, so what! I like being single. It's a choice!
SR: Well, I know that your fans prefer you being single.
HS: Well of course. I don't see why it matters. Even when I have a boyfriend, I'm still fucking on camera, you know? Still being a whore.
SR: Now to the really important stuff. Tell us about being a Cannabis Cup judge. Now first of all, what makes you qualified for such a position?
HS: Well, I'm kind of a pot-head.
I've kind of been one for several years, so I think I'm more than qualified to select a good-quality bud.
SR: How did that work out?
HS: The first day I went to Amsterdam I started doing shrooms, and I didn't really stop, so I never actually made it to the cannibis contest.
I was so fucked up on shrooms, that's all I did the entire time I was in Amsterdam. But, um, I'd have to say I had a lot of fun.
See Also:
Adopt an African Hottie's Clitoris
Pregnant Nympho Sex
Screech's Sex Tape Follies
World Sex Laws
Dana Plato, Porn Star
Zen monkey asshole issues? Try sendahole.com.
A good article. I’m glad that Hillary Scott was able to articulate her perspective on interracial porn so well as it’s a view that I agree with completely.
Its nice to see someone speaking out on this issue. As in life, racism in alive and well, even in porn. I guess there would be a section of the white male population who would not buy a film if a white girl is with black guy. However I’m glad there a women that don’t care. I for one would never buy Anything that Jenna Jameson does or anyone who thinks they way she does. They have the right to do what they want, but we as fans of porn should have the right to know who other then Jenna and Tera Patrick think like this, so we can spend our money the way we want.
There were alot more stars in the 90’s that didn’t do blacks then there are today.
I can see why Hillary Scott went onto been a pornstar. Not wanting to sleep with black or saying it will hurt thier carrer isn’t racist. If she on the otherhand said I dont like BLACKS / Neega thats racist but some people dont like different meats. Its called preference guys. Can people actually get a her an education?
Black men are disgusting. I couldnt imagine being with a stinky black man. The penis always reminds me of a long piece of human shit, and the skin color is such a turn off.
True opinions from a white lady who prefers our beautiful masculine white males.
Why do these ignorant, bitter, racist, ‘activist’ black males give a fuck about who we chose to sleep with? Its our race, we prefer our men and thats fucking final. Interracial dating was only a fad because of the hip hop culture, and now its gone. It had nothing to do with us white females preferring ‘black cock’, thats fucken disgusting. It was all about the music culture and us being naive and thinking it to be cool.
Having said that, we are intelligent women, and we dont want to degrade ourselves with unnattractive members of a race that we are in no way attracted to. Why the fuck would we?
Wow “Camille” you said that like:
A – A white woman who got her feelings hurt by a black guy: “It was all about the music culture and US BEING NAIVE AND THINKING IT TO BE COOL.” Sounds like you were with a black guy in your young naive days. But it didn’t turn out like you wanted it to. So now you’re all pissed off and vengeful. Saying white power whenever you can to make yourself feel better.
or what I’m leaning more to
B – A White man who is pretending to be a white woman. You do this in order to make yourself feel superior to black men when in reality you feel inferior to them: “Black men are disgusting … and the skin is such a turn off … TRUE OPINIONS FROM A WHITE LADY who prefers our beautiful masculine white males.” Ummm with a name like “Camille” why did you have to reiterate that you’re a “White Lady”, and that your statements are true? Unless………….. YOU’RE A MAN!!!
“Camille” yeah, right. More like Ca-MAN!
Despite you clearly wanting to be, and presenting yourself as it, Camille. You’re not the spokeswoman for white women. Only for a small and incredibly stupid sub-sect of them. Interracial dating is on the rise, and it increases every year. Deal with it.
camille you are a extreme bigot and racist,and n black men are the best looking on average so you are wrong there too.no black man a with any sense would want you anyway.most blacks date and marry other black anyway,and that ‘s really good.
Also, I’m actually a white loser who pretends to be women on internet comment sections.
Hi , I am a great fan of Hillary Scott. She can do the really hard fucked up porn, you know the extreem perverse anal porn. Hillary is one of my favorites. I hope she reads this. I am writing from Europe and I would love to see more of Hillary and more extreem anal action of this young pornwhore!!
Bravo Hillary!! Just keep on fucking on the camera. many greetings,patrick.
seriously camille, your comment hows how ignorant and uneducated you are. I deeply feel sorry for your childern if u do have. we black men are born to be bright stars and it scares people like u. you try to bring us down so u can get yourselves up goodluck. blacks,white, indian, asian etc we are all one people but i guess a crack whore living in trailer park will never get that. luv ya camille
@Camille, fucking kill yourself. You CLEARLY have no taste. White men are disgusting & this is coming from a white woman with BEAUTIFUL bi-racial children. I hate white dick, all pale and pink. It’s fucking disguting. Camille, the fact that you think dark dick looks like shit? Kill yourself, again. You probably look like shit. Black men are beautiful human beings. I am not going against my race or any of that nonsense, I just prefer the beauty of a nice chocolate man. For all of you who are racist out there? Shut the fuck up, and get a life.
Im a racist whore everybody.
Educated my ass Camille. Admit you are a bigot and you will look a little better. “The penis reminds you of human shit”? That’s as racist as it gets.
@ i think its a shame that we still have racists like camille in the world. i’am a 25 yr old white woman who loves black men. Camille who the fuck are you to speak for me?! If you don’t like black men, fine that’s your problem. But why do u have to be so RACIST?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet your a skinny, pale bitch with no TITS!
@ Camille. Camille= straight up RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Camille. ” Black men are disgusting” It’s very easy for you to say that in the comfort of your home. Why don’t you air your views in public? and see what happens to you. I predict you will soon be extinct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If she doesnt like black men thats her business and there is nothing at all wrong about it. Everyone has rights and its her right to not have sex with black men. You people are just trying to make her look bad because you wanna fuck white women and cant. And if you can then why do you care what one person thinks. As for related it to being uneducated im in college and I know black women who wont fuck white men and nobody insults them for it or calls them racist. When the shoe is on the other foot you say nothing but a white woman doesnt wanna have sex with you and you make a big deal of it. When a black woman wont fuck a white man you all smile from ear to ear. Black people are much more racist than white people in this day in age and if you are smart enough to open your eyes you’ll easily see it. And as for the fucking Nigger threatening a white woman because she wont have sex with you hope I never find out who you are bacuse your ass will be fucking extinct along with your homeboys who you’ll most likely bring because I have yet to meet a black man with enough balls to show up alone and settle things man up because when It comes down to it your nothing without your homies and you fucking know it.
@Smarterthanyouretards Says I’m your huckleberry,I agree what does it matter who fucks who? really They are free thinking Humans that can do what they want. Most Europeans breed with other Europeans,most Africans breed with other Africans. This is fact,not fiction.
As far s finding the so called cowardly Negro,don’t worry bout them. What you want is someone like me,I won’t run I will snap your neck before your eyes blink.
I will fly you to anywhere in the country you like,as long as you let me film the confrontation,and you sign a waiver to the effect,that your doing it of your own free will. Just me,no so called Homies,I never had any. You can bring anybody ya like. Surely you won’t Refuse,come make Heydrich proud.
“Detrimental to my career” is a cop-out. Look at Nina Hartley. Her first scene EVER was with a black man, has done IR scenes frequently ever since, and has been active in the industry for 30 years with an appearance in an Oscar nominated and Golden Globe movie to boot. Tera Patrick and Jenna Jameson may have had their time in the sun as queens of “lipstick porn”, but are both done and haven’t accomplished a damn thing outside of the industry unless you count being on Howard Stern justifying your bigotry.
It’s funny, racist whites are always the first to say “blacks are the true racist” followed up by some racist remarks about why they suck. Are all white people as stupid as you? Whites like you always decide to hide behind terrible hypocrisy and think your justified. “Blacks are the true racists, because they’re cowards and weak and need your homeboys (as if white people are the kings of fighting one on one)”. And they’re the racists? You got an inferiority complex, man.
You’re an idiot and you’re not fooling anyone. I’m a “real” female and you’re a little dick white boy with penis envy who’s girl left him for a Black guy. So pathetic the only release you have is to jerkoff to internet porn (mostly to black women) and vent your anger on forums such as this. Seek therapy.
“It’s funny, racist whites are always the first to say “blacks are the true racist†followed up by some racist remarks about why they suck. Are all white people as stupid as you? Whites like you always decide to hide behind terrible hypocrisy and think your justified. “Blacks are the true racists, because they’re cowards and weak and need your homeboys (as if white people are the kings of fighting one on one)â€. And they’re the racists? You got an inferiority complex, man.”
Dude, blacks are the true racists in society and they have the power structure of the white elite enabling their racist behavior.
When a black woman denigrates white men that is acceptable.
When a white woman denigrates a black man that is unacceptable.
A black man posting a blog featuring black men fucking white women with captions detailing how the white woman is now getting “a real man” is seen as acceptable. However, a white man saying he doesn’t believe in interracial is seen as unacceptable. In the first instance, you have a black man posting a blog where the white man is completely denigrated. In the second instance, you may or may not have any reference to black men, but the in either case the statement is socially unacceptable. How can that be fair?
So the questions for you are:
1. Is it racist when black women state they prefer black men? Do black men and women then shout at these black women and call them out on their racism?
2. Is it racist when a black men makes a blog that features black men screwing white men and captions the pictures with phrases that indicate the women is now getting a real man? Do blacks in general then protest this type of blog as racist and demeaning to white men?
You know the answers to the questions above and you know that in the primary examples the blacks in question are exhibiting behaviors that would be seen as racist if undertaken by whites. You also know that fellow blacks do not denounce said racism. With whites there is a huge industry of political correctness police ready to jump on fellow whites for transgressing PC rules. There is no such PC police in the black community.
@jeff. As a black man jeff I can actually identify with the statement that you made here! Mostly regarding the fact that certain types of behaviour are viewed as, shall we say ‘more-racist’ when carried out by a caucasian person…
I’ll tell you the reason I and many many others think this is so. You see, no other race on this planet has been the source of perpetual racism and hatred over the years anywhere near as much as the caucasian has.. Maybe you’ll agree with me if I remind you of the
1) innumerable white supremacist groups in the world (the funny thing is that some of these groups advocate that foreigners ‘go-home’ whilst they themselves are living in another races land, such as South Africa, North and South America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and probably a few others that I cannot think of whilst writting)
2) Continuous acts of genocide upon people you deem to be inferior to you. I’m well aware of other races and cultures who have been guilty of this horrendous act, they just haven’t done it anywhere near the level of caucasians! Hitler is a very good reference point here!
3) Continuation of racial bigotry in every aspect of western life, to the point where we have blogs like this written!
I’m not doubting that other races cannot be racist jeff, that would be stupid and irresponsible.. The point I’m making is that the media are well aware of all the points that I have mentioned so what they do is try to keep the peace (sometimes..) by making sure that the racist retards who say things like ‘blacks are inferior’ (even though anybody can look around them, look at the highest positions of duty, skill/talent in the world and they will see a black face), don’t do anymore damage to your races reputation.. Because let’s face it, were in the information age now so nothing gets swept under the rug anymore! Not like the good ol’ day’s eh!
Also as a side point, when white people say things regarding race, even if they’re not being racist then they can easily be taken as such because of your history. For that reason anything said, even a minor thing such as a persons dating preference, will have the potential to sound venomous due to your history of relentless racism! Its as simple as that and everybody knows it so why the fuck are you playing dumb?!?
For the record, funnily enough I date everybody except white girls because I choose not to! I get plenty of offers at university (UK) and in work, I just choose not to because I’m not as attracted to them. Preference – its a wonderful thing when you don’t use it to disguise racist ideologies!haha
i like all women so what if a white women don’t want black cock there are ones that do where they at!!!
alot of people get all rapped up in white & black each it’s own
@ Jeff and smarterthanyouretards…….no there is nothing wrong for them to say they prefer not to sleep with black as there is nothing wrong for black women to say they don’t prefer white men. However, when people go too far saying stinky, gross, ugly etc. it is racist, that’s all. And smarterthanyouretards, trust, you just haven’t met the right black guy, trust me! I’m 6’4 235 lbs. of pure muscle. I played linebacker in college and I promise I don’t need any “homies”. I don’t even try to be hard but I’m very confident in my ability to beat someone’s ass w/o any help so……there you go…lol. And white chicks love fucking me (as well as black chicks, asian chicks, and latina chicks).
The only people who ever gave me and my black girlfriends strange looks, or even hostile remarks, came from black males, especially when they were in their groups. It seemed like the hotter the girl was, the more #$% I would hear. I never made a single comment to my co-worker who was married to a white woman (who probably still thinks that all woman want to screw a black guy) *** Yeah right. Most women want to screw whoever has money and makes them feel good emotionally *** !
I also never said anything to my black co-workers and roomates that would bring home the occaional white hood-rat groopie-type. That’s the woman’s choice. What one woman screws is her business.
Blacks just play the race card all the time because it serves their purpose. There *is a benefit* to using the race card. Otherwise, they wouldn’t do it. They want to scream discrimination, despite there being a black president, affirmative action, and race quotas.
And the funniest part of all, most blacks have more white blood in them than they can possibly imgine. Alicia Keys is hot– and white. Mariah Carey is white. Tecnically, they are half-half, so the correct classification is BLITE.
Guys, all things aside, just make alot of money and you’ll get all the pu$$y of any color you want.
…and Hillary Scott is 400% more likely to end up with an STD, as well
I so hate all dem racist!
I love Hillary Scott. She’s a smart girl.
What more idiot forum talking about a prostitute and Hillary Scott holy god I care if she does get confused black or no.no porn = prostitution if a black woman or white is in the porn has to submit the customer what they ask , usually the most beautiful women in porn do not work with blacks because they are priced very expensive and really consider porn stars. usually the women who work with interracial sex black flag are working with anyone and the price is cheap and not so beautiful, when compared with those without are stars like jena jameson first says that working with black dead. are a very small group of women working with blacks over 20 and always the same and with a pair of black always the same black that do not exceed more than 3 …. and other characteristics of these women who work with black is that in their majority are in the twilight of their careers and over 40 years and decrepit old-fashion when they were young never in his height of his career nor made a single joke interracial scene they are. Julia Ann, Lisa Ann, Nina Hartley, Ginger Lynn, Kylie Ireland, Shanna McCullough, Brittany Andrews, Tiffany Mynx, Taylor Wayne all in when they were more about the porn stars of the 80 outgoing and 90 refused to do interracial. Now 20 years later and without the same youth who had made beauty are the largest interracial sex interracial my question because they are not made in his youth? in those years that were big stars. I smell a vile racism of these porn stars and porn industry the same as in the 80 and 90 had something like over 800 porn stars of which they made no more than 10 interracial sex .. and the same is happening today in 2012 are very few who have sex interracial. and there are over 5000 porn stars around the world, racism has grown with each passing day. I think it will always be haci as the satellite companies do not pass interracial porn companies pay also forbid interracial porn and is a very small market that anyone interested. and in real life besides contempt for blacks is given in all areas of life. wind will never be seen a white woman with black. contempt alos gives also black porn. are accepted by a few wing or wing wallet that bring media fame that not all are willing to accept the fact of being black.
black people are gross can we seriously just remove them from the world already and actually do something with africa?
Well all I know hillary scott is a whore and can fuck even a horse for money haha well I know she has STD a lot cus these porn stars live with dem
Don’t pretend like you are somehow changing the industry from the inside-out. Porn perpetuates stereotypes and just cuz you screwing blacks guys doesn’t make those stereotypes dissolve away. In fact, most interracial scenes reinforce myths about race.
Once I see a girl fucking a black guy i won’t touch em and if i wouldn’t touch them personally im not gonna jack it to them. Interracial porn is a massive turn off and no it’s not racism its called having standards, you should try it. Hillary scott is a worn out whore with fucked up looking tits she would be hot but not only does she bang the jigs but she brags about it well congratulations good luck getting me to buy anything involving you. Why is there not a porn site with NO BLACKS? they have many with no whites…but if i type in white girls guess what i get.
lol @ people calling girls who don’t like black guys “racist”
well guess what, racism is when you make a judgement or form an opinion based on skin colour that’s being racist. So you saying you like black guys over another race just because they’re black makes you racist too you dumbass sluts haha, except you’re being racist against your own race.
nobody cares about how “proud” you are that you’re trashy and have daddy issues and like to bang black guys
Lets see. Jenna Jameson is hooked up with Tito Ortiz, a fucking Mexican. I would think if she is racist she would be with a white guy. Oh but that’s right she is not with a black guy so she is a racist? Buch of god damn nigger bullshit!
These idiotic, racist comments I’m seeing from some people are exactly why racism in porn holds the same views on race the American government held towards blacks in the 1950’s. Seriously, it’s the 21 century. Blacks have had a large hand in American culture, we have a half black President now. Interracial couples are growing more and more each day so people need to just accept that fact and move on. No one on earth has a pure 100%, only this race bloodline, so cut that crap out. I really think you just have mental issues if it bothers you seeing a mixed couple.
To each their own for who people choose to sleep with however; I think preferences on color/race are dumb, but some people have it and I won’t complain or really let it affect me. There’s 7 BILLION people on this planet today, and hundreds of thousands of white porn stars that do black men you can find on RedTube, and there’s gonna be hundreds of over girls/boys you meet that will like your skin or unique traits you have.
Ex.: Alexis Texas won’t do blacks on camera, but has shown love to them off camera. I personally think it’s dumb to let 12 fat hairy guys run on a train on you on camera for money but if ONE is black, that’s a problem, but there are plenty of waaaay better looking Caucasian girls in porn than her that like black men I’ll watch on the internet.
Ex. 2: Rachel Starr hasn’t done an IR scene yet, but she does like black men (date 2 different ones for two years each and liked both in bed) but because of how the industry views IR, she’s held off for now. She’d feel racially objectified and she doesn’t want the male counterpart to be either.
I think that some are just racist and think it’s stupid to want to hold off on it for more money; Lisa Ann, Bobbi Starr, Asa Akira, Phoenix Marie, Kagney Linn Karter, Eva Angelina, Jada Stevens, Sophie Dee and Tori Black are always in the top lists for most famous and well known porn stars, and they ALL do interracial. The latter two are actually in relationships with black men, and Tori earns MILLIONS each year from her movies so I think that excuse is bullshit. Lisa Ann was named most watched porn star of 2012, and her most watched vids were her and a black man, who she names a favorite.
Regardless, a penis is a penis, a vagina is a vagina. A man is a man, a woman is a woman. Don’t cry because you don’t see one chick not doing what you want on camera. We have options people!
SO, this really doesn’t have to be a race issue at all. I’m white. I don’t find black girls attractive. It has nothing to do with racism, it’s the same reason I don’t fuck men or 80 year old women. There is purely no sexual attraction. That is chemistry, not racism. I have no problems with people who want to be interracial. I’ll watch porn with interracial. But to force a girl (or guy) into something they’re not comfortable with is wrong. If a white girl doesn’t want to sleep with black guys, whatever her reason, that is her freedom.
This goes out especially to Smarterthanyouretards on your post you said that you have not met a black guy that has the balls to meet a white man without his home boys. Next time that thought crosses you mind if you are old enough and not then ask your racist ass father or grandfather, how many white men did it take to get the rope around the black man neck that your racist bastard lynched back in the day and probably are still doing so today. So you need to check yourself because it is you white man that had to have a group of white men to hang just one lowly inferior (to you anyway) black man. You (white men) can’t do it by themselves. And change your user name to dumberthanyousmartpeople.
You know it is too bad that you white men think so lowly of yourselves. You watch too much porn in which the biggest white cock comes no where near the size of most of the really hung black studs. This frighten you so you have to resort to calling a black man a nigger and most of you don’t have a clue to the true meaning of the world. I hope those of you that call black men, monkeys, apes, blue gums, niggers, coons, etc do not call yourselves Christians. When one reads your post you can feel through the word the hate, anger, bitterness and EVIL. You hate us, but when in history were you OUR slaves. When in history did we cheat you in pay for a job that you did and the black man got more pay for the same freaking job? When in history did we rape your women and produce a whole class of children that your white ancestors considered inferior. Was it their half of a black-racial child that was inferior or the black woman’s? If you are so superior to other races black people in particular why do you did just like we do from most of the same diseases? If you are so superior why is it that you make it a crime punishable by death for a black person to read and write doing slavery? You are not superior or inferior you just stupid dumb and ignorant. We all are human and we all have to die that is a fact that your superior (supposed) self can not change. In the after life you will not go to one place and me another just because you are white and I am black. If you or I am evil we both will end up in the same place. If you or I am good we will end up in the same place. So what advantage do you have over me. NONE NONE NONE. It is you; it is your race that thinks we are inferior. How will you react that God will be of another opinion? We have done nothing to you white people except for wanting what should be natural for all men and women, to be treated fairly. If I do the same job that you do, why shouldn’t I get paid the same amount of money? If you and I both get caught with drugs (by the way I don’t do any drugs legal or illegal, do you?) Why should I get more time than you just because you are white and I am not? There was a time a long time ago when I actually thought that you white people were better, but then I grew up and became wise. I had started a new job and I was asked by a white guy at work to figure out a “master†for a part because he could not. This many was part of the supposed master race and he could not figure out something that this “monkey†“ape†“coon†could. Do you realize that some of the time if not most it is your white women that are attracted to US. I recall the time at work when I worked overtime (yeah we black men do work and we work hard to the point of actually working overtime) and this super hot white woman a lot younger than me walked through our department. I worked first shift but this was the second and everyone on second went to break the whole department at the same time, something they were not suppose to do but did anyway. Ms. Jane worked through the department and she waved and I mean really waved at me. Since I did not think such a uber fine, sexy and hot white woman would be waving at me, I looked up from the computer (yeah we know to us one too but we are suppose to be inferior) and noticed that there was no one else in sight. So I thought maybe she waved at someone that was now out of sight. But the next day at about the same time she did it again. On that next day when I went home I stopped by a black female friends of mine job on the way out the plant and when Ms. Jane saw me coming in that direction she started playing with her hair. Yeah, I know the hint some white women give black guys when they are interested in them, but I am a man of honor and frankly I do not mess with married women so I never did anything with that. Or I could tell you about the time this white super hot female supervisor got interested in me. That one I had to cash in on because though Jane looked better Stacy was built and I mean like a brick house, I will just say that I enjoyed her so much that I left her office with a hard on so stiff that I had to hide it. So my point is when some white women are interested in us they let us know it and you white men just can’t stand that, that your very nice looking women are interested in us “skin don’t look that good†black men. Ms. Jane and Stacy were both so hot that they could have been swim suite models. Or I could tell you about the time 4 years ago when I a 50 year old black guy at the time had some of the best sex of my life with a very hot 19 year old white woman. Like some on this post stated, the white women that don’t have sex with black guy do it mostly because they are racist plain and simple. Don’t get me wrong though, it is true a person have the right to pick and choose who they want to sleep with and I understand that some of these sluts have contracts where they will not sleep with certain males, but come on now they are freaking PORN SLUTS. They are whores, they get paid to have sex. And the ones that do have sex with men regardless of race are just as hot and just as successful as the ones that don’t so that lie about it will hurt their earnings is just a bowl of BS.
Jeez, theres a lot of animosity here, I don’t get why people are so upset, I feel like white guys are being a wee bit generalized here, I know a lot of shit has been said about black guys and I apologize for my white counter parts, but I’m a white guy and I care very little about who is with who could be white girl black guy, black girl white guy or whatever mix, were not all rascists this whole porn star thing seems to have really pissed off, and when your dealing with people who are racist and generalize (like camille) about different races the worst thing you can do is generalize about there race, it makes you know better than them, some really offensive shit has been said I get that, but can we all calm down and ignore the racists?
whether a white woman black woman asian woman latina woman indian woman or what have you, women of all races (and men) can be attractive and be able to enjoy each other to their hearts/ pussy/ dicks content, and there is a lot to choose from no need to fight over a few XD
Let’s see more cocoa brothas!