Real-life miracles were the subject of Van Jones' keynote address at the Craigslist Foundation's "Nonprofit Boot Camp" last year.
He amused and inspired his audience with the story of his early days at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.
There's probably at least one person, and maybe more than one, who feels like their little not-for-profit just may not make it.
There may be somebody that feels like their cause is too marginal, their constituency is too desperate, their dreams are too big, their knowledge base is too small, and they just don't know if they're going to be able to pull this one off. If you're that person, I want to tell you a little bit about my story, my secret rules for success if you're doing tough things, and to remind you how important it is that you stick this out.
Ten years ago, all I had with my co-founder was a $10,000 grant and a scribble in my notebook, and we had a dream. We wanted to do something about police brutality. We wanted to do something about kids suffering in prison. We wanted to do something about the level of violence that was going on in our community. All we had was each other and that idea.
The very first champion that we got — the first person who was on our side, the chair of our advisory board who was our hero — told us "Frankly, man, you will never raise enough money to cover your own salary on this. I think you're great, I like what you're doing, but you will never raise enough money to actually have a full staff. But I like you, I like what you're doing, and I'm willing to lend my name." And that was our most enthusiastic supporter!
Eleven years later, we have a national organization. We have 24 people on staff, we occupy a two-story building, and we've won international awards and recognition for our human rights effort. We've stopped jails from being built, and we've been able to make a difference. In just ten years. I want you to know that looking back on it, you know what it looks like? It just looks like a series of miracles. Just miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle.
The only way we were able to get to those miracles was that we believed in what we were doing. When we first started out, we had a closet in the back of the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights. When I say closet, I'm not joking. It was literally a closet, that we took the shelves out of, wedged in a desk from my house, moved the tiles, dropped down wires so we could plug things in... That was our office for three years.
I'm thankful to Eva Patterson from the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights for giving us that opportunity. We took that closet and a Macintosh SE-30 from my house and our $10,000, and we started announcing that we had a hotline for survivors of police brutality and police misconduct. I think the first week we got one phone call. The second week we got two or three. Within about two months, we were getting three to four phone calls a day from people in the community who had no place else to turn... We were young lawyers and they were calling on us, and we were doing the best that we could.
But we were spending down that little $10,000 very quickly. We got to the place where we literally didn't have any more money. Diana and I looked at each other and we said, "You know what? We'll go on unemployment. We'll do whatever we have to do. We cannot let these people down."
I got on KPFA radio. I said "My name is Van Jones, and I'm working with Bay Area Police Watch. We're running into some trouble right now, but we want you to know, keep calling us. We're going to have to reduce our hours, but we're going to stick in there." The day before we spent our last dime — literally — we got a letter in the mail. An anonymous donation of $50,000.
"Hey! We might be able to keep going!" We took that $50,000, and we decided, you know what? We're going to go after the worst police officer in the Bay Area, a man named Mark Andaya. He had 27 formal complaints against him for racism and brutality. Remember this case? There were five lawsuits against him, and he was still on the police force. We took that money and launched a campaign to get him removed from the San Francisco police department.
Keeping On
We went through hell. We went through three hearings, we went through ups and downs, but at the end of that summer, the San Francisco police department fired Mark Andaya. It was a huge breakthrough. Suddenly we went from being these kids in the closet to being the people who'd really gotten something done in the community. And, we were broke again! Because we forgot to write grants. We're just fighting, just out there, just broke and ignorant — but passionate!
But we'd already had two miracles. We were still there, and we'd gotten this guy who had killed two people out of our community. There was an African-American woman at a prestigious local foundation who'd listened to us on the radio, had seen us on TV, had heard about what we were trying to do. I'd sent her a letter letting her know that we'd like to apply for a grant, but we didn't get a chance to, we'd missed the deadline, and please, please... "Mercy?"
This woman said "You know, I've been working at this foundation for a long time, and I've been waiting for someone to come out of the community, out of the neighborhood, who was really willing to do what it takes to make a difference. I don't have any more discretionary money. But I do have the $40,000 that we've always given to the symphony... And we're going to give it to you."
Now, she no longer works there. But she is well taken care of at another foundation...
We just kept on, and kept on, and kept on. If at any moment we had gotten too rational, if at any moment we'd actually done the math on how many foundations are committed to this thing and that thing, we wouldn't be here at all. You have a dream inside yourself, and it's an impossible dream. That's why the creator gave it to your crazy ass. If it was easy, She'd have given it to somebody else.
So let's talk about your impossible dream. You need some miracles. Good luck with that. But I can give you, as a 10-year veteran, my five counter-intuitive and probably immoral success secrets.
1. Self promote
2. Steal
3. Don't Lie
4. Hate your enemies, but love your rivals.
5. Do less.
Number One, Self Promotion. People say, "Van, you're a shameless self-promoter. We're disgusted with your shameless self-promotion!" And I say, "Au contraire, my friend. I am not a shameless self-promoter. I am a proud self promoter."
Because I'm proud of the work we're doing. I'm proud of the people on our team. I'm proud of the fights we take on. I'm proud there are still people coming out of law school who are willing to take on these crazy crusades. If I don't tell the story, if I don't share the victory, if I don't share the lessons — who will?
We have a simple theory about how we built this organization, and the only thing it requires is you've got to be willing. We call it the three-M conversion: Mobilization, Media, Money. If you're serious about scaling an organization that's small, with a marginal constituency, doing very difficult stuff, you've got to mobilize. You've got to do something! You've got to take on a fight, you've got to help somebody. You've got to get something done. But too many of us stop there, and then we wonder why the support that we need doesn't come.
We get bitter, and we get angry, and we look at the group over there that has two more dollars than we do, and we start making them the enemy, and start this whole competitive thing, and start in-fighting, and it just depresses everybody. Then some poor intern comes to work for you. They see all this drama and all this crazy stuff, and they say "I was just trying to help the poor! I didn't know I was joining an armed faction!"
So let's just de-mystify this whole thing. Do good stuff — mobilize resources, do something — and then, media. Write a press release, think about how to get some coverage. A lot of times, people don't want to cover our stuff? That's fine. Take the photo your damn self! Video cameras are small and cheap. Record your meeting, interview your people... Document your passion.
Document the people that you've helped. Document what you're doing so you can show it to somebody who wasn't there. That's a critical step, and we forget, don't we? We get so passionate about, "The meeting's going to be at 4:00, we've got to have the kids and the pizza..." When we get finished, we're so tired we go home... And there's not one single photograph.
You might've served 10,000 people and don't have one photograph, while the person next door served 20, and has a glossy manual. And you know who you're mad at? Them! You could've had a glossy manual... But you're mad at them, and now we've got drama. Document, and then take that documentation to people who have money.
People say, "Aw, I don't want to deal with the fund-raising. It's not about the money to me." Obviously it's not about the money for you, you're working for a non-profit! But people who have means and who have discretionary income and who have different types of financial instruments want to be helpful, and they want to be engaged — but they don't live in your neighborhood! By definition, they don't. They need some help understanding the situation. That's the media part, the documentation.
You have to get as passionate about talking to the people with as you are talking to the people without. Because we need each other, and you're the bridge person. If you were just desperate and needing of services and help, you wouldn't be working at a not-for-profit. If you were a gazillionaire, you probably also wouldn't be working at a non-profit. So you are the person whose job it is to bring the haves and the have-nots together. And you have to be passionate about that. Yeah, somebody will say "You self promote! You're self-promoting!" Fine, and proudly so! Get that out of your mind as a barrier, and look at the service you can provide by documenting your work.
Number Two, Steal. Steal! I don't mean steal money. Steal ideas! Talk to other people who don't work on your project. If you go to New York to see your friends or your parents, look up the other groups working in a similar area and say hello. If you can't meet with the executive director, that's good, because if the organization is more than five years old the executive director has no idea what's going on anyways.
Talk to the program officer, the deputy director, the receptionist — and steal ideas. And grab onto people that you stole the ideas from. If you go overseas, make sure to visit some of the non-governmental organizations in other countries. It's amazing how many problems have already been solved that you're still stewing in and suffering through.
Our first two years, 100% of all of the paperwork we had for checking in people and interviewing them we'd stolen from a similar project in Los Angeles. I went down there, I'd knocked on their door, I said hello, I told them what we were trying to do... They were very friendly, and said, "This is our paperwork," and I said "Thank you!" I got a Bic pen — remember, I told you we were broke? — and wrote on the top of it, "Bay Area Police Watch." And then we photocopied that thing for two years!
So you've got to be willing to steal. And people love it! People will brag about it, saying "Well you know, we're now the thought leaders in the field. Our model is being replicated." So it's good for them. So I'm not saying anything immoral yet.
Number Three, Don't Lie. This is for real. There is something about the relationship between the not-for-profit sector, the government, the foundations, and the donors that creates a massive incentive to lie — flagrantly, and often.
And it's not just a one-sided thing. The relationship between not-for-profits and foundations is like the relationship between teenagers and parents. You don't really want to tell them everything that's going on, and they don't really want to know. So there's this dance of deceit, shall we say.
"What'd you do this weekend?"
"Oh... Studied! With my friends."
And the parents say "Good! So glad to hear that!" Because they don't want to know. And so what do you say?
"How did the year go?"
"We had success after success! All goals were met, and a good time was had by all."
And what was there left to say? "Good! Good!" They don't want to know about the youth in your program that cussed you out and set the building on fire. They don't want to know that you hired somebody once again who was a complete idiot. They don't want to know, and you don't want to tell them, and therefore we all stay very ignorant. Then the actual innovation curve has flattened out, because nobody's telling the truth about what we're going through any more. We're all self-deceiving and trying to make it look good.
At the Ella Baker Center, we adopted a reporting form that freaked out our board and advisors. It was very simple: highlights, low lights, and lessons learned. We created a discipline in the organization that we would report out the bad stuff. First of all, everybody knows the bad stuff anyway, because the person you fired is talking right now, so it's not like it's not out there. But did you learn anything?
Program officers at foundations, donors, and philanthropists are just inundated with lying, false crap. And they know they're being lied to. If you took all your annual reports and just read them end to end, you'd have to conclude that we're now living in a socialist paradise. Everything's going well, people are being served, and all the children are happy. And then you look at any newspaper, and it's very clear that we might be fudging a bit.
So my experience has been that donors and program officers love to actually get the truth. They don't punish you for it if you learned something. I think if all of us started to confess a little bit more, we would learn a little bit faster.
Number Four: Hate Your Enemies, if you must, but love your rivals — and know the difference. Your enemies are people like Nazis, okay? Your enemies are people who want to do you bodily harm, who hate you, and who are actively plotting your demise, with weapons. Just about everybody else that you don't get along with is probably a rival. They run an organization and you run an organization, or they have a department and you have a department. Or they have a cubicle, and you have a cubicle. And you just don't get along. You don't see eye to eye, there's some jealousy, you have different communication patterns. Their mom was this way, your dad was that way — you're working it out.
But we turn those minor differences into adversarial wars. It's fine to hate your enemies if you must. Jesus, Gandhi, other people would argue with you, but if you insist, fine. Hate your enemies. But most of the people you see every day are not your enemy. I've got emotional scars and damage from being in this work, and I've never even met a Republican! Even with people who fundamentally agree with everything I think, we just fight and hurt each other and say mean things, and think mean thoughts. All the time! That's called the movement. That's called the progressive community, right?
I want to make the case that we should actually love our rivals, and we should develop a discipline about bragging on our rivals. One group doesn't like us very much at all. I started talking about them first at every funder meeting. "I'm so happy to be here. Before I tell you about our work, have you heard about X group? They're doing extraordinary work. They did this last year, they did this this year. If you don't know about them, I want to make sure you know about them before the meeting's over. Now let me tell you about what we're doing..."
I developed the discipline in my own mind that I was going to brag on my rivals. I was going to love them, I was going to learn from them. I was going to try to figure out what it was that I could do differently in the relationship. I want to report that it has made no difference, at all, in the way they treat me. But it's made a tremendous difference in the way that other people view our organization and the way that we view ourselves. We're lighter. Love your rivals.
Number Five, Do Less. When I first came into this movement, we named the organization after a woman named Ella Baker, a civil rights heroine from the sixties. Ella Baker said many, many wise things. One of the things that caught on was something she said in a moment of frustration. Some civil rights workers had been murdered — two Jews and a black — and while they were trying to find these civil rights workers, they kept coming up with body after body after body of black men that had been lynched and drowned down through the ages. The media kept saying, "Well, that's interesting but what about the two white kids?" She got frustrated, and she said in that moment of frustration — and it didn't represent her life, but she said "We who believe in freedom cannot rest. We who believe in freedom cannot rest until all mothers' children are honored."
It's rung down through the decades since she said that. I just drank the Kool-Aid on that. "We who believe in freedom cannot rest. We cannot rest. We cannot rest. We cannot..." And I hurt myself. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. I really hurt myself.
July 17, 2000, I had a complete emotional, physical, psychological breakdown. I literally could not get out of bed. I'd gone for years without — I would sleep with my clothes on, and the lights on, books all around me on the bed. I never took a vacation. For years it never occurred to me to take a vacation. Something just popped in my brain. It was almost audible. I was in deep trouble.
I'd been in all these coalition meetings, and it occurred to me that over the past couple years, in every meeting I'd been surrounded by idiots. I had to deal with them, and point out their flaws, and stop them from wreaking havoc, and... I was burning out, and I didn't know it. I had to take about two years of counseling, therapy, learning to go to the gym — things I'd just never done — just to be able to get back to doing this work.
My dad was an alcoholic, so I'd said, "Well I'm not going to do that," but then I was into this workaholism thing. I pulled out of it, and when I came back I saw that it was just everywhere. So what I want to say to you, very clearly, is that you have emotional needs. You have physical needs. You need to get them taken care of outside of this work.
You need to have something outside of this work where you go for re-charging, where you talk to people who don't do this kind of work, so you can keep it in perspective. So when you go into those board meetings and you go into those coalition things, you're coming with something. We who believe in freedom have to rest. We have to rest.
Who We Are
Our country is in a difficult situation now. We're facing difficult days. You're the people who are the reserve strength of the country. You're this nascent, pro-democracy movement trying to revive the best in the United States. It's important that you see yourselves in that way.
We tend in our movement to forget who we are. The legacy that we're carrying out, the shoes that we're standing in, the call that we're answering. Dr. Martin Luther King never gave a speech called "I Have...A Complaint." That wasn't his speech. The brother had a dream. And you have dreams. You have big, beautiful dreams. You will not be able to meet them alone. You need friends, you need solidarity, you need partnership, you need a movement.
But in a difficult period like the one that we're in right now, that's when there's opportunities for she-roes and heroes to step forward. People remember Roosevelt and Churchill and those guys because Hitler made it an awful, hard decade for them, and they rose to that. It's the same with every other hero and she-ro. This is a time for heroes. This is a time for she-ros. I want you to be the people who in the difficult times stood up for the best in this country, who said "We are willing to say that we'll defend America's freedoms." Who will say that the people who want to tear up the Constitution at the first opportunity are not the patriots. The patriots are the people who are willing to defend America's freedoms, the people who are willing to defend people's freedom to marry who they want to, and divorce who they want to.
We're the people who are willing to say America should be number one in the world. But not in war. Not in pollution. Not in incarceration rates. America should be number one in the world in green and clean technology, in solar power, in bio-diesel, in sharing those beautiful things with the world. We should be number one in showing how a rainbow nation — multi-colored, multi-class, multi-hued, multi-language — can come together and fix real problems, and show a rainbow planet how it's done. That's who we should be.
I believe if we do our work in that spirit, with that knowledge, with that commitment, we will build the kind of pro-democracy movement that will get past left and right, past black and white and yellow and every other color, and get back down to the very basics of who we are as people. People who believe, people who stand for something.
People who understand that at the end of the day, when it's all said and done, our love, our hope, our faith, and our commitment, is stronger than a bomb from anybody.
See Also:
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She-ro? I believe the word is heroine, though at this point ‘hero’ is essentially gender-neutral in common usage. Sorry to focus on a triviality – it just bugged me a bit – otherwise, an interesting article.
The audio of this is available at – it is absolutely fantastic.
Interesting article? I say brilliant. What a call to arms, man. I love it. Makes my grizzled old ass feel good about the future, dammit!
Thanks for this article, I think it’s directly applicable to anyone who has an idea, a dream, or passion that they truly believe will change the world for the better. Good ideas and wisdom.
For some reason, a lot of this article doesn’t show up for me using Safari 3 as a browser (though it works fine with firefox). Same occurs with other articles on this blog.
Inspiring and Useful! Except for the cheeky barb on executive directors. I’m a founding executive director – 18 years on the very real ground of our poor community in NYC and still running full steam (not to be confused w/hot flashes).
Brilliant, and what a call to attention! As someone involved in NGOs for 15 years at all sorts of levels, wish a movement of activists on this same page could communicate and implement a cohesive agenda of collaboration. Hey, we all have dreams… Thanks for posting this!
I believe that one day, all the children who have suffered the neglect, abuse, and assaults by their caregiver, will speak out loudly. I believe in miracles. I believe in truth. I have seen the lies.The Child Protection Services in all states have serious issues, but in Indiana, children and women are in the greatest danger and are ignored.
Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, who campaigned to have an open door policy, fails and ignores to do so, regarding the crimes and negligence of Child Protection Services, now called Dept of Children, of which is a large money making business of human trafficking and literally defaming parents without regards for the Constitutional, Civil, or Human Rights.
Be cautious of what any Child Protection Agency says in any state, as what the Child Protections Agency, DCS of Indiana says and does, it not what is really happening, as they function in secrecy and conspire with each other to hide the truth. The compaign promise of Mitch Daniels, “I will have an open door policy regarding Child Protection Services”. That is a laugh. When an agency of the government is given full reign without over sight, human trafficking, child laundrying business, and money laudrying, will become the only factor of the focus, not to protect. Mitch Daniels has failed to respond to many Indiana Citizens with his ‘open door’. We, the citizens of Indiana and the United States know the truth of corruption, violation of Civil, Constitutional, and Human Rights, as we have be terrorized and victimized by the largest terrorist group in the world, The U.S. Child Protection Services, government agency.
How can democracy be upheld in the United States of America, when complaints against judges are reviewed by their own friend peers, Child Protection Services, investigated by their own department agency, or the Attorney General for the state to be the legal counsel for all government agencies, to deliberately ignore the crimes the state workers commit against citizens?
Who is legal counsel for the citizens?
We pay for the government to function, and we have to pay again with a private attorney to have our rights up-held!! In Indiana, the political figures function on their own agenda, not the needs of the citizens. Just like the attorney for Child Protection Services, as he threatens all who attempt to recite the laws, statutes, Civil, Constitutional, and Human Rights. When citizens inquire for information regarding the use of funds and the amount of federal re-inbursement given to the government agency, CPS, they refuse to honor the Freedom of Information Act and Open Access Indiana.
When citizens file complaints to the federal government, the feds just send a letter that they can not do anything, so take the complaints back to the state officials that are committing the crimes and victimization. Have we lost all our rights in the United States?
The fact that women and children are in much “lack of” protection in the United States, and ignored when cries for help is screamed out. I find it hard to believe, Republican President Bush, cares anymore for the victimizaiton of women and children in Indiana or elsewhere in the nation, as it IS the government agency that is allowed to perform in the horrific manner of harming more children than helping, defaming and financially burdening innocent parents, and allowing the states to use Magic words, to de-fraud the federal government pockets.
The Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels: After many letters, calls, and walk in visits to the State House, our Governor, Mitch Daniels, refuses to listen and failed to build that “Open door policy” he stated as a promise during his campaign. Indiana Representative, Evan Bayh, stated the “Governor is ultimately responsible for the actions or lack of actions of CPSâ€. Two employees under Mitch Daniels, were very well aware of what was happening to us and still happening to many others. Neither seem to be concerned. Though, Scott Zarazee, did write 2 years ago, he would look into the concern, but nothing more done or said.
The Attorney General, Steve Carter’ office response: …”the Attorney General acts as legal counsel for the State of Indiana . We do not have jurisdiction in issues such as yours.” This means, the Attorney General will do nothing to protect the citizens, parents, or children! It is okay for Dept of Children to commit perjury and falsification of court records. It is not about protection, it is about getting children in the system to waste money. Also, this also means, that a large hospital can overdose infants, doctors can refuse a patient the right to choose their own trusted doctor, CPS can allow an overdose of medication to be administered, that is highly neurotoxin and nephrotoxin to a 5 day old infant, and allow the hospital staff to refuse to identify who they were. This is the same response from the Indiana Health Department. “There was not enough documentation in the medical record to make a judgmentâ€. Well, duh, like the staff and doctors are going to document what they did? Furthermore, the response from the Indiana Attorney General is no surprise, as the Attorney Generals Office will always deny claims against CPS, as the Attorney General will protect CPS, regardless of the cries. Unfortunately, citizens believe the falsehood regarding the Attorney General protects Indiana citizens. Quite similar, as citizens also believe the facade that CPS actually “protects†children or “preserves†families! Are we, the citizens of Indiana , so naive that we are simply paying an enormous amount of taxes without concern for any true necessary services to be rendered from our political leaders?
The Attorney General Inspector, David Thomas, response: “” .. Do as you are told … or loose…†He has known for over 14 years of the CPS crimes done to children, parents, and the mockery of the judicial system, but he ignores the crimes done by CPS. This means, the Attorney General Inspector is aware of the crimes and victimization of innocent citizens and harm to children, but no investigation will take place, citizens have no rights. But, isn’t’t investigation his job? He does get paid, right? For what?
The Head of Department of Children Services, James Payne, response: “”… I concur with the agency’s action in this matter.” This means that even though the CPS workers committed perjury, falsification of court records, and gave an infant to a man, not known to be the father, for him the bash in her head, beat her fragile body, then DCF staff refuse medical treatment, and then the staff to hand walk the abuser into court, and refuse to tell the judge of his cocaine, and THC use, Bi-polar and Manic Depression, multiple arrests for battery, theft, robbery, and more. Even though this agency knew their allegations were all false, they still say they “substantiated†the allegations. By what you may ask. By perjury and falsification of documentation, of the social workers and case managers, employees paid for by the state. Doesn’t substantiated mean valid factual evidence? Not when it comes to CPS. They are not held accountable or responsible for the lives of any child. They willingly defamed an innocent mother, kept her new born child from her for 7 months, then CPS acted like nothing happened. This is NOT an isolated case, this is the norm. Child Protection Service staff are liars.
The Indiana Ethics Office: “We have received your complaints against FSSA and/or DCS. The Investigator General has already reviewed your complaint and determined that neither the Inspector General nor the Ethics Commission has jurisdiction over this case. Thank you for contacting us,….” This means that there is not one person in the state that will help a parent or child that is victimized by Child Protection Services. Not one. Not your Federal, State, or Local Representative, nor your City Council, Prosecutor, Police, not one person is willing to step in to stop the crimes of CPS toward innocent parents, children, and families as a whole. The Marion County Prosecutors office: ” ….. We cannot help … our hands are tied…..†, REFUSED TO ALLOW THE VICTIM TO FILE AGAINST HER ATTACKER, REFUSED TO ALLOW A PROTECTIVE ORDER TO BE SERVED. This means that regardless of the crimes of the agency, CPS and their affiliates, their crimes go un-punished. They walk about as a god.
The former Director of Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, Andie Marshall, response: “……..we advocate for systems that protect and support children. It is not an excuse but the sad reality is that Indiana has for too long allocated too little to meet the growing needs of families and people in stressful situations. We continually work to advocate for changes….(Editorial Indianapolis Indiana Star, by Tim Evans)….. It was about the children under state’ care. Not parents. It was the total of children under state’ care each year with a 25-30% of the annual total of children under the state’ care to die at the hands under the state providers, state fosters, ect…..and has been for over the past decade…” Over the past decade 25-30% of the annual total of children under the state’ care, DIE at the hands under the state!!! Doesn’t’t this scare anyone? This means that even though it is known children are seriously abused and killed at the hands of strangers, placed into harms way by the care of this agency, CPS, which is costing Indiana tax payers over 1 billion dollars a year, but they still get paid to cause more harm to our innocent and precious children!!! Why not pump gas into a tank with a large hole in it, the effectiveness would be the same.
The State Representative for my area; David Frizzell response: There was no response given to us as we sent hundreds of letters to all government officials begging for help from 4/20/05 through 12/05. No responses in return. But when we noted that the Attorney General does no more than to claim and deny any fault regarding the actions of all government agencies, big businesses, or big political supporters, David Frizzell responded 06/19/07 when I commented against Steve Carter’ office, IAG, quickly saying: “…… I am making serious accusations…..†So, the life of a child or the defaming hardship of an innocent young woman is unworthy to be concerned about and not important enough to respond to the constituent, but the statement of concern regarding the Attorney General’ lack of concern or lack of action of the harm being done to the citizens by government, Big businesses, and Big political supporters, are worthy to immediately respond to safeguard his fellow politician?
The Villages, who locate foster homes for the children CPS snatch from their homes, makes a financial fortune from the corruption of Child Protection Services. The Villages are finding foster homes for children that most likely had safe homes, but due to the ability to make false reports by CPS without any question for validity, children are forced to suffer, parents lives come to an end with a broken heart, destroyed family, publicly defamed, and forced to loose every penny they have or ever will have, in attempt to get back their children. Once children are removed from their parents, by CPS, chances are they are seriously abused or killed before they reach the age of 18 years old.
Parents loose parental rights without a fair legal hearing. Hearsay is all that is used. Regardless of the facts, the truth, any and all evidence a parent has, the judge ignores the information, and the hearsay is rubber stamped as valid, false claims are documented as substantiated without evidence, and goodbye children!! Please, please, Don’t laugh, this is a reality. Governor, Mitch Daniels, Attorney Generals Office, Steve Carter, Attorney Generals Investigator, David Thomas, Head of Department of Children, James Payne, Indiana State Police, Marion County Prosecutor, Carl Brizzi, Local Police, and both CPS Attorneys and judges, are all aware of the fraudulent criminal actions of social workers and case managers, of CPS. However, it appears that no one has the integrity or ethical morals to do anything about it.
How many babies are stolen all over the state by a government agency, called CPS, that is no more than an agency that claims to “protect”, but they make large amounts of money from the tax payers and the federal bonuses and grants? {Human Marketing & Human Trafficking} How many children are alienated from the parents and siblings without true cause? The greatest risk factors for children to be removed from their home has nothing to do with abuse or neglect, as single women, low income, battered and abused, or uneducated, are the targets to loose their children.
The Constitution is supposed to protect us. Our elected Politicians are supposed to support the written law, protect the citizens, and both listen and act up the concerns and needs of the people!! How corrupt can a state be? The Federal Government ignores the complaints and request complaints to be re-submitted to the people of the state who are committing the crimes and violations.
The rights of citizens are stomped on when CPS states, “Sign this paper or you will never see your child again”. Or when a doctor forces un-necessary, very expensive, and very harmful medications, to an infant, with the aide of CPS placing the infant under state care without a court order, just because the mother wants to request her own, well know and trusted Pediatrician, to take over the health care needs of her infant. Many can testify to this bulling tactic.
Many children are removed from their parents and siblings, not because they needed to be protected, but because, the state needs children in the system to make a federal re-reimbursement profit. Doesn’t this make anyone sick? Does it surprise anyone that none of our government officials believe the issue of children wrongfully removed from their home to be placed into harms way or for the state workers to lie and make a mockery of the courts, is worthy to be dealt with in a more vigorous manner? Indiana ‘ political official are more concerned for their political party issues, not the citizens!! It is the money, power, control to gain more money, at the expense of family unity and the children’s well-being. How many citizens are being abused by our own government? MILLIONS!!
Who can or will investigate? NO ONE IN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT FROM THE GOVERNOR DOWN TO THE POLICE Detective or Investigators! Child Protection Services, walk as a god, with disregard to all laws.
For it is written: “Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilts prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress” Psalm 10:17 – 18.
Do not the words, “One nation, under God, indefensible, with liberty, and justice for all”, mean anything? Does it? What liberty, what justice, what rights in the Constitution, does CPS follow, honor, cherish, or give respect to? NONE! Again, the new age Hitler Dictatorship of CPS is real and stealing the rights of parents to be parents and children to bear the right to have heritage of their own family. What a shame, a criminal act towards all citizens in this state of Indiana , and of the nation!! We do not need more state workers in Indiana .
We need state workers that know the difference from truth and fiction, honesty and perjury, and skilled with the ability to assess all situations objectively rather than personally biased values to project their own subjective issues onto the families encountered. We need judges that have the desire to be involved with the families and the issues that can be managed as a family unit, to ask for evidence rather than accepting hearsay, and if the case has no basis, the judge should drop the case immediately! When a young mother fled an abusive man, to protect herself and infant from domestic abuse, CPS made sure the abuser could abuse the infant, and he did, CPS handed the infant to the man without any proof of being the father, allowed he to bash her skull in, then CPS workers, refused medical treatment for the infant.
Many pleads and begging for help at the Prosecutor’s Office were made, in person many times, phone calls, black and white evidence handed, 911 calls, and letters, to no avail, as Myron Hockman, Community Prosecutor, Linda Majors, Stacy Hawk, Lisa Borges, then Chief of Staff for Prosecutor’ Office, refused to care, listen or act. Myron Hockman, laughed at the 911 tape of the mother being battered, and the courts refused to serve a protective order filed by an attorney, 11/08/05. “Shatter the Silence” is ignored by the political figures in the state of Indiana , as women and children are meaningless. (Keep in mind this young woman fled with infant for safety from the abuse of this man that has been in mental institutional care, leaving AMA, ect. and every agency in the state of Indiana ignored the woman’s cry for protection, safety, and having her right to be heard. But in Indiana, women and children have no rights, and every agency that is to help the vicitm, only victimized the victim over and over again. What kind of emotional well-being does anyone think this woman could be in??? No where to go, no one to listen, no one in Indiana felt it important enough to lift a finger. From Mitch Daniels, Governor, to Carl Brizzi, Marion Co. Prosecutor. ) Is this an isolated case? No, this is the norm, in Indiana. Just what do any government workers do for the people in Indiana ? We pay for what? Victimization, ignored, lied to, terrorized, and oppressed. Why do we even have an election? Campaign promises are lies.
Perpetrators of Maltreatment is: Child Protection “Predator” Services CPS commits un-punished crimes against innocent parents and children and destroy families for Federal $$$Funds
Physical Abuse – 59 by parents 160 by CPS
Sexual Abuse – 13 by parents 112 by CPS
Neglect – 241 by parents 410 by CPS
Medical Neglect – 12 by parents 14 by CPS
Fatalities – 1.5 by parents 6.4 by CPS
FACT: Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the United States . These numbers come from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) in Washington .
One in four children, under state care WILL die.
This is an issue all over the nation!!!!
For it is written: “Woe to those who make unjust laws, and those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people.” Isaiah 10:1
I am a child of God, wife for 29 years to my high school sweetheart, mother of three grown children, grandmother of 4 precious children, and a Registered Nurse, BSN, a professional woman, that has witnessed how Methodist Hospital violated the right of a mother to choose her own well known and trusted doctor, as a Methodist doctor, who refused to sign off and give the case to the parent’s selected doctor, and directed the violation of activity toward the patient, and all other hospital staff refused to allow the patient a Patient Advocate, professionals re-wrote the medical chart, forced the mother to sign a waiver for a second opinion on the legal document of Methodist Hospital as mother was threatened to never see her baby again it she refused to sign, forced the mother to also sign a CHINS paper for CPS, overdosed a 5 day old infant with a highly toxic medications without any rationale, signs or symptoms to pursue to do so, and CPS staff defamed an innocent mother, by perjury, falsification of documentation, and violating their own policies and procedures. CPS continued to hand an infant to a man that bashed in her skull concave, but the CPS workers refused to allow the infant medical care. My family’ life and belief with NEVER be the same. This is how women and children are treated in Indiana . May God help us all who suffer? A lengthy horrific 911 tape of my daughter being attacked in her own car, as the man lounged through the driver’ window, I sat paralyzed in the passenger’ seat. The prosecutor’s office, laughed. Pretend this is your daughter on the 911 tape, you sit in the passenger’ seat, you know the man attacking your daughter is high on cocaine, you have in hand a court order to pick up the 10 month old baby girl, who is sitting in the man’ back seat of his car, as his car is running, driver door open, parked in the middle of the street, the police refuse to honor the court order, allow the man to leave with the infant, and the prosecutor’s office laughs at the 911 tape, and courts refused to serve a protective order. How you would feel? What would you do? The state of Indiana, especially, Marion County, allows this to happen to innocent women and children. This is a small amount of hell, we have suffered, and nothing was or is done. Women and children mean nothing in Indiana. How can the US help stop the citizens from being harmed in Iraq or teach the leaders in Iraq to care for their citizens, when innocent women and children are being victimized right here in the US, by our own government, and our elected officials ignore the issues? Since the government promoted bonuses to each state for adoptions, more and more children are being “stolen” from their loving and safe homes, CPS workers will commit perjury to use the “Magic Words” just to gain custody of a child without allowing parents due process, to be sold.
When did Indiana become a state of dictatorship? Who made Child Protection Agency above the Constitutional, Human, and Civil Rights in America?
*** Children’s Bureau Express Nov 2004 HHS Awards Adoption Bonuses to States On October 14, 2004, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced the awarding of $17,896,000 in adoption bonuses to 31 States and Puerto Rico. The funding comes from the Adoption Incentives Program and is given to States that were successful in increasing the number of adoptions from the public child welfare system over the number of adoptions in 2002. ….The threshold to receive incentives has been reset based on the number of adoptions in FY 2002, making States that reached their highest number of adoptions in the earlier years of the program more likely to qualify for a bonus. …” (THIS IS WHEN THE MASSIVE AMOUNT OF CHILDREN BEGAN TO BE REMOVED BY MERE FALSE ALLEGATIONS, parents defamed, families destroyed, AND CHILDREN SOLD LIKE CATTLE!)
Children, do not have to be abused, raped, or mistreated, or murdered, please, their voices must be heard!!!! Many children are being abused under state care, parents are being defamed, and families are being destroyed, needlessly. This must stop!! Please, help our leaders to see what is happening to the people they have been blessed by God, to serve for His Sake! My heart is full of sorrow, like never felt before, and tears flow without dryness near. Precious, innocent, unborn children, are slaughtered, not be cave men, but be educated professionals, and our leaders, turn their heads of the blood shed.
May the suffering and blood of every child, parent, and entire families, be on the hands of every politicial figure that has turned away to ignore the suffering of the cries of the US citizens. They all need our prayer for mercy to be given to them.
I am a professional woman that has witnessed first hand the lies and crimes of CPS and how there is no where to go for protection of this government agency that walks as a god, but does evil to destroy the innocent. Citizens have no avenue for protection against this government agency that causes more harm than good, and “protection” is the least of the motivation, as money is the controlling factor. Interesting web page of victimized parents who have choosen to speak the truth of the crimes of the US government agency, Child Protection Services, and the violation of Human Rights, and the US Constitution. or
Thank you for reading this, I sincerely mean every word written from the depths of my heart and soul, shall I continue to pray for the Hand of God to reveal the truth about the crimes, of Child Protection Services.
The truth of what is happening is that CPS violates the rights of all citizens, not held accountable, responsible, or punished, and ignore and fail to ‘protect’. Don’t let this happen to your citizens, please.
Just one testimony for the millions of citizens that is being terrorized by their own county. Didn’t the US sign a treaty to up-hold the Human Rights, at the United Nations? Well, they lied about that too! Be cautious regarding what this government agency says, as they lie.
Thank you,
Our family will never be the same, and our faith of what true liberty, justice, and democracy, stood for, has been forever stomped to non-existence.
Too long and not funny.