1. Sleeping with Zorro?
As a 15-year-old girl in 1957, Annette Funicello had a crush on the TV character Zorro, and "every night I drifted off to sleep hugging his eight-by-ten framed photo to my chest," she remembered in her biography. So the next year, Walt Disney had a special treat for the Mickey Mouse Club star — a guest appearance on Zorro (which was also produced by Walt Disney Studios). The delighted teenager got to celebrate her 16th birthday on the set, where Zorro himself carved a 'Z' into the frosting of her cake. And in that episode Annette also got to wield Zorro's infamous sword — "thrusting it into the chest of my no-good fiancé and sending him plunging off the side of a ship."
That episode was titled "The Postponed Wedding," but Annette's real life romances were more complicated, as she struggled with growing popularity. (Her biography also reveals that she discovered that "for a while one of my brothers was selling my phone number!") Annette lived with her parents until the day she was married, and at the time one tabloid boasted the headline "Annette reveals: How Far I'll Go Now That I'm Engaged." But on the day of her wedding, she received a death threat from a soldier, and remembered that ultimately "Saint Cyril's Church became a guarded fortress filled with unobtrusive Disney security people..."
As Annette marched down the aisle, she was wearing the veil that she'd worn in the Walt Disney movie, "Babes in Toyland". But this wedding wouldn't lead to a fairy tale happy ending. In her biography, Annette wrote that there was "a spat" on her honeymoon, that the honeymooning couple didn't speak to each other for two days, and that she called home to her parents crying. And that three weeks later, she was pregnant.

Her husband was Hollywood agent Jack Gilardi, and they had three children together, though daughter Gina once asked if her father was Frankie Avalon (Annette's co-star from movies like Beach Blanket Bingo), and if so, why was he never home for dinner? Annette got married when she was 23 — and got divorced when she was 39. Years later, she would even film a pilot for a dramatic TV series where she plays a sad widow whose husband was killed in Vietnam, who then meets up with a lost love from her teenaged years who'd tried but failed to become a successful nightclub singer...played by Frankie Avalon.
But in real life, Annette got married again to a former police officer who she met at a race track — and she tells a wonderful story about surprising her now-grown-up fans. They'd complain that they couldn't imagine discovering the former sweet and pure Disney star at a race track, holding a drink in her hand, and smoking a cigarette. "I also have three kids," Annette would remind them.
"So guess what else I do...?"

2. Devo, The Beach Boys, and Johnny Carson
Looking over her career, one of Annette's most fascinating songs was recorded with the Beach Boys in 1965. It was the opening song for "The Monkey's Uncle," a movie about a genius college student named Merlin Jones. "Let them say he's the booby prize," Annette sings, as the Beach Boys supply their familiar harmonies. "He's the boy I idolize..."
But a full 41 years later, in 2006, the Disney Studios released a new album of songs covered by contemporary artists — and chose "The Monkey's Uncle" for its final track. And in an interesting twist, the song was performed by Devo 2.0 — a new generation of teenaged Disney performers, assembled into a 21st-century version of the pioneering new wave band, who were actually backed and produced by the original members of Devo!
Annette also earned a place in television history as the original performer of what eventually became the theme to The Tonight Show. But ironically, it all came from a failed attempt to date Paul Anka, another 1950s teen idol. Though their relationship didn't last, it produced an album titled "Annette Sings Anka" — and years later, Anka would create Johnny Carson's theme from the melody of one of the album's more sentimental tracks. ("And now at long last, it's really love...")
However the most memorable track on that album is probably "Hey Mama," if only for its misplaced set of teen-rebel lyrics, addressing a mother worried that her daughter will become "the leader of a teenaged gang..."

3. Grown-Up Movies?
Even in the movies, there's at least one scene where Annette gets luridly drunk — and then starts driving a race car around an abandoned track.
Fabian: You crazy broad! What's gotten into you?
Annette: Thatshh right, I'm a crazy broad. But you don't care...
Fabian: I'd kiss your silly-looking face if you didn't smell like a brewery..
In Thunder Alley (1967), the former Disney star played the daughter of a racing promoter who gradually starts to fall in love with the traveling driver played by Fabian, and tries to compete for his affection. ("Days of screaming wheels. Nights of reckless pleasure!" promises the movie's tagline. "Their god is speed... Their pleasure an 'anytime' girl!") It was her last film of the 1960s and her last film for 20 years, except for a brief scene in the psychedelic movie Head starring the Monkees. Although she was approached about appearing naked in a film — wearing nothing but that hat with the Mickey Mouse ears that she'd worn as a Mouseketeer — she declined the offer. ("People are more interested in changing my image than I am," she later explained.)
But reportedly, Annette did confess to one interviewer that "I did naughty things. There was a time, I was in my thirties, when I wanted to see an X-rated movie, OK? I bought a blond wig, and I got into the movie.
"It was boring."

4. 125 stitches
Annette bravely struggled through a series of health problems — which was all the more difficult since it was years before the underlying cause was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. For example, one night, she remembers that it felt like the room in her house had suddenly gone dark and started spinning, while Annette heard "loud, crashing bells." As she ran for the bedroom, she slipped on a ball that one of her children had left on the floor, and gouged her face on the side of a dresser as she fell to the ground. It took 125 stitches and some plastic surgery to repair Annette's face, she writes, and she later discovered that her right eye had a permanent blind spot.
But she also writes that immediately after the accident — and presumably still in shock — she'd blurted out to her husband that "I need to brush my teeth before we go to the hospital."
Annette hid the news of her illness for over five years — not even telling her parents. She later described this period as "Living a lie," and in a 1994 interview with Tom Snyder, she admits that "It was a hard choice for me to make... I tried to keep it a secret. I really did." Her reasons were "I just didn't want pity", and also, "I didn't want to worry anybody." But when she finally revealed the illness, she told USA Today that "Just being able to talk about it now is a big help."
She'd worried people would see her struggling to walk in a restaurant, and come to the conclusion that "'Annette's drunk'."

5. Ears Held High
Her star-dom peaked in the 1950s and 1960s, but Annette continued to hold a special place in the hearts of her fans — though she knew that the world was changing. At one point in his 1994 interview, Tom Snyder describes a commercial promoting the Vermont Teddy Bear Company in which Howard Stern recites the slogan "Give her a bear, she'll bang you!" Annette laughs gamely, then replies that "That's not very Disney." And she also confirmed that Walt Disney had indeed once asked her to never allow her navel to be photographed when she began making movies for other studios.
"How much would we have to give to see your belly button?" Snyder asks eagerly.
"I don't have one," she joked.
But during that same interview, she also comforts a 17-year-old girl in California who'd been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis just two weeks earlier, and later Annette would be recognized for the inspiring example she set in raising awareness about the disease. In 1993 she even founded the Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Diseases, which according to CNN still remains active 20 years later, supporting research into their causes, treatments, and cures. Bob Iger, the new CEO at Disney studios, ultimately told CNN that she "was well-known for being as beautiful inside as she was on the outside, and she faced her physical challenges with dignity, bravery and grace."
It was because of her status as a former Disney-era icon that her openness had that much more impact. In a made-for-TV movie about her life, Annette said "It makes me so happy when I hear from people that my going public makes them feel stronger. They're not embarrassed to use their canes or to be in a wheelchair because if I can do it, they feel they can too." Though she was played by an actress in most of the film, she appears as herself in its final scenes. And she delivers its inspiring closing line — a characteristically sweet but ultimately very fair assessment of what it all had meant.
"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
Very well written story, Destiny.
Isn’t it great when dreams come through like it did for Annette Funicello when she met Zorro – who would have thought she would turn into such a fabulous actress herself.
I guess hating on gay people is “Disney” to the core.
Lee, There is no place anywhere in this article where your comment would be relevant. This is about a beautiful and giving person. Put your soapbox down on some other corner!
Annette Funicello turned 16 in 1958, and for her birthday Walt had her guest star in a three episode story arc on “Zorro” that aired in early 1959: “The Missing Father”, “Please Believe Me” and “The Brooch.” The one-hour episode “Zorro: The Postponed Wedding” wasn’t filmed until later; it aired in 1961.
Re: Lee’s comments. First, not only do your comments have nothing to do with the article, but they are totally incorrect. Actually, Disney was one of the first major companies to offer employee benefits to gay partners. In 1996, The Walt Disney Company will began offering health coverage to the live-in partners of gay and lesbian employees, and encouraged other companies to do likewise.
Never underestimate the importance of research.
I used to live in the San Fernando Valley, not far from where she lived in Encino CA. I remember an agent form Walt Disney Studios came by my trailer park, seeking recruits for the Mouseketeers. Walt Disney was aware of her, and recruited her soon after. Sadly, I never met her.
I loved her and the movies and anything she appeared in. She seemed to be a great role model and was very private about her life, unlike many of the stars of today. She was free of gossip because she behaved like the classy lady she always was. I am and was a fan of hers for most of my life. God rest her soul.
Walt Disney was a fantastic role model for Annette and for Disneyland and disney world. Annette was a inspiration to us all. It’s a shame out world has changed.
I am having feelings of nostalgia and sorrow after reading this report. Annette was so pretty and sweet, even on black and white TV. She was the first love of so many 4th grade boys back in the 50’s. I was one of them. I’m glad she had a wonderful life, and now she is in God’s arms.
Annette Funicello, was the woman of my dreams, in the 1950’s-1960’s! I searched high and low for someone who looked so much like her, in her youth. I located her virtual twin, just 4 Streets down from me, and we have been Happily Married, for 44 Wonderful Years.
I could not have chosen anyone better than my Helen (Italian) and I would not trade her for Love nor Money!
There is not a week that goes by that do not I listen to Oh, Dio, Mio, but I just cannot seem to locate the EXACT words that she sings, in Italian.
All the Lyrics Sites have different and strange Translations!
Does anyone actually know the Absolute Correct Translation from English to Italian, as Annette sang it, way back when. I would love to sing it to my wife in Italian, even though I am of Polish Decent, as we dance to that Special Song.
O course, using the word Her instead of Him!
It would mean so much to me.
Any Help out there…please?
Retired US Army Military Police and Local Police Officer….Vietnam Era Veteran.
I was often told I could be a double for Annette as a young girl through my teen years. I was so flattered and often daydreamed what it would be like to be her in real life, lol.
She was human, and she had something that is rare lately–CLASS.
She was my idol. I would cut pictures of her out of Teen magazine and tape them to my wall. All the boys wanted to date her, and the girls wanted to be her. I had to have a necklace with my first name initial just like her. I played that record nonstop. Beautiful lady with a sweet soul.
I believe ” o dio mio” means… oh dear me.
Annette Funnicello wasn’t homophobic Anita Bryant was
Just a little feedback to all of the above…
First, Disney was indeed one of the most pro-active, gay-friendly studios in tinsel town from about the 1990’s onward. I doubt Tommy Kirk would share that sentiment because his (mid-Sixties) experience was painfully different, but it’s generally known to the case today.
Annette was one of the most highly respected ladies — key word — in Hollywood. She was classy, poised, very smart…and the product of a solid family upbringing. I think she shared that quality with Frankie Avalon, although Frankie is known to be a pretty hard-nosed businessman (as was Jack Gilardi).
Annette and Paul Anka were dead serious about one another, but I’ve heard (and believe) that Annette’s parents and Walt Disney wanted to discourage the relationship. She and Anka were both too young for such intensity. Current PR suggests Anka wrote “Put Your Head on My Shoulder” for Annette, but earlier accounts, seemingly squelched (by Disney?), were that “Puppy Love” was the (more revealing) song he wrote about their relationship. As noted above, the song “Hey, Mama” on the “Annette Sings Anka” album has lyrics that are notably un-Disney — in essence, teenage lip to both Virginia Funicello and the Disney organization (“…guess I cried some tears because she took away my Mickey Mouse ears.”) But it was pretty much a reflection of normal teenage angst…and hormones. Annette loved her parents and held Disney in high regard.
I also have a hunch that Disney loved older men. Jack Gilardi was notably older than she, and her second husband was older still and…something rarely noted….a dead ringer for Walt Disney.
Last, unrelated to the preceding, Annette’s popularity as a singer always surprised her. I can understand that, but even so I think she underestimated her talents. Annette had a natural instinct for rhythm (perhaps related to her true talent as a dancer) and her vocals revealed a natural phrasing — an honesty that was also quite evident in her cinematic charisma…perhaps the very quality that Disney saw from the beginning. If she had had more confidence in her abilities and more motivation to succeed as a singer, I think she would have produced some more influential recordings in the Brill Building vein. The closest she came were with “Dreamin’ About You” (a King-Goffen song and undeniably her strongest single) and “Walkin’ and Talkin'” — both performances recorded shortly after rigorous vocal exercises she went though for “Babes in Toyland”). In addition, some of the tracks on her “Annette’s Beach Party” album were solid work. (She really rocks on the title song, “Secret Surfin’ Spot” and “Calfornia Sun”, and “Treat Him Nicely” (while lyrically shallow) stands as one of her strongest ballad recordings.) In any case, Annette’s recordings were always well-produced…benefiting immeasurably from the talent and genuine interest of Tutti Camarata.
Just my two cents…
Typo above — an hilarious one. It should read “ANNETTE loved older men.” Not “DISNEY loved older men.” At least…as far as I know. But who knows?! He might have had a thing for Gepito and Darby O’Gill!
Apologies for the faux pah.
Just a little feedback to all of the above…
First, Disney was indeed one of the most pro-active, gay-friendly studios in tinsel town from about the 1990’s onward. I doubt Tommy Kirk would share that sentiment because his (mid-Sixties) experience was painfully different, but it’s generally known to the case today.
Annette was one of the most highly respected ladies — key word — in Hollywood. She was classy, poised, very smart…and the product of a solid family upbringing. I think she shared that quality with Frankie Avalon, although Frankie is known to be a pretty hard-nosed businessman (as was Jack Gilardi).
Annette and Paul Anka were dead serious about one another, but I’ve heard (and believe) that Annette’s parents and Walt Disney wanted to discourage the relationship. She and Anka were both too young for such intensity. Current PR suggests Anka wrote “Put Your Head on My Shoulder” for Annette, but earlier accounts, seemingly squelched (by Disney?), were that “Puppy Love” was the (more revealing) song he wrote about their relationship. As noted above, the song “Hey, Mama” on the “Annette Sings Anka” album has lyrics that are notably un-Disney — in essence, teenage lip to both Virginia Funicello and the Disney organization (“…guess I cried some tears because she took away my Mickey Mouse ears.”) But it was pretty much a reflection of normal teenage angst…and hormones. Annette loved her parents and held Disney in high regard.
I also have a hunch that Annette loved older men. Jack Gilardi was notably older than she, and her second husband was older still and…something rarely noted….a dead ringer for Walt Disney.
Last, unrelated to the preceding, Annette’s popularity as a singer always surprised her. I can understand that, but even so I think she underestimated her talents. Annette had a natural instinct for rhythm (perhaps related to her true talent as a dancer) and her vocals revealed a natural phrasing — an honesty that was also quite evident in her cinematic charisma…perhaps the very quality that Disney saw from the beginning. If she had had more confidence in her abilities and more motivation to succeed as a singer, I think she would have produced some more influential recordings in the Brill Building vein. The closest she came were with “Dreamin’ About You” (a King-Goffen song and undeniably her strongest single) and “Walkin’ and Talkin'” — both performances recorded shortly after rigorous vocal exercises she went though for “Babes in Toyland”). In addition, some of the tracks on her “Annette’s Beach Party” album were solid work. (She really rocks on the title song, “Secret Surfin’ Spot” and “Calfornia Sun”, and “Treat Him Nicely” (while lyrically shallow) stands as one of her strongest ballad recordings.) In any case, Annette’s recordings were always well-produced…benefiting immeasurably from the talent and genuine interest of Tutti Camarata.
Just my two cents…
I always loved Annette’s movie songs the best. I still have a soft spot for “Why? (Because You’re You)” from Beach Blanket Babylon — the first Annette movie I saw as a teenager. She also sang a beautiful ballad with Tommy Kirk n Pajama Party called “There Has To Be A Reason (Why I Feel This Way).” (There’s also a really good ballad in Thunder Alley — one of her last movies — when she ponders her new relationship with a troubled race car driver played by Fabian.)
Anyways, I’m so glad to see all the comments here. It makes me feel like everyone’s saying, “Annette…you will be remembered.”
On Christmas day 1959,my parents gave me my first radio. A toy radio made by Remco.It was called a Tiny Tim Radio. At that time,there were two songs that I heard and actually purchased from the ‘dime store’. One was Handy Man by Jimmy Jones. The other, O DIO MIo by my Mouseketeer, ANNETTE. The 45 rpm record jacket had a full color picture of ANNETTE. I carried that picture inside my shirt (close to my heart) for months ! Naturally,I have been following Annette’s life since then , All the way thru to her passing.She has been my most special female all these years. O DIO MIO is still one of my most favorite songs…….
I am in love with her!! Wish I met her. But…
What’s with that title??? Did she really sleep with Zorro? And that operation, is that why she got a nose job??
O, Dio Mio means Oh, My God, not Oh Dear Me…Sorry!
Annette was wonderful. My sister handmade bears and Annette bought one of her patterns. She was a classy lady and I give her husband all the credit he deserves by sticking by her and taking care of her . He has my vote and I sincerely respect this man.
Annette was wonderful. My sister handmade bears and Annette bought one of her patterns. She was a classy lady and I give her husband all the credit he deserves by sticking by her and taking care of her . He has my vote and I sincerely respect this man. He is one of a kind
Annette’s success as a recording artist may be due to the fact that she sounded like no one else. Many girl singers tried to sound like her, even adding lots of echo to their records but Annette was unique
That’s why she was a star! “O Dio mio” means “Oh my God” . In the song, she prays that the boy she loves will love her too. She couldn’t record the standard Brill Building Pop. “He’s a rebel” (rebellion); “My boyfriend’s back”; (violence) and “Will you love me tomorrow” (premarital sex), we’re all off limits.
I too was a Annette fan since the age of 9, when the Mickey Mouse Club came on the ABC air. Quite excited as I was back then, but what made my connection with Annette more real, was that I told over the years from age 9 to now my age of 72 my striking resemblance to her. I am not of Italian descent but of Mexican American, but even now as I look over pictures of Annette at a younger age, I feel I’m looking at myself in the mirror. I try not to sound boasting, but the resemblance even surprises me. I miss her and what she represented. I admire her husband Glenn for his undying love and respect for her, and what he’s trying to emphasis now with the foundation for Multiple Sclerosis. Annette will go on forever, for what’s Mickey Mouse without Annette. God Bless you Annette, for all you’ve done for us Baby Boomers ” O Dio Mio”.
I loved watching Annette. She appeared to be a very sweet person. I was so sad to hear about her passing. She brought a lot of joy to so many people. Rest In Peace my Friend.
I read in Annette’s book “ a dream is a wish your heart makes that the veil she wore at her wedding was fashioned after the one one she wore in babes in toy land but not the same one !
Sometime in the mid-50s I saw Annette sitting in the front seat of a Cadillac between two hard-looking ladies as I was pushing my bike up a hill in Encino. The older women reminded me of jail matrons or stage mothers seen in movies of the era. Annette looked rather uncomfortable as she glanced over at me briefly. I got the impression that Annette wished she could be just another teenager (like me) instead of caught up in show business, with adults constantly telling her what to do.
Annette, Oh Dio Mio in you He created someone wonderful. I will miss you, for class no one can ever outshine you. Beauty is often only skin deep in most beautiful women. Yet your beauty resonated from within and penetrated deep into the hearts of those of us who ‘grew up’ with you.
Anyone can be full of love, happiness and compassion when things are going their way, it takes a truly, deeply beautiful person to put the hopes and fears of others ahead of their own when they themselves are facing travail. Thank you dear lady for your example in our lives. God truly sent us an angel to love and be our example. God rest ye oh beautiful angel.
I didn’t watch the Mickey Mouse Club but my oldest brother did. He is really TWISTED! He told me that he had a serious crush on Annette and watched the show every week to see how she filled her sweater! What a nut job! Lol!
Joni — we were all nut jobs for Annette. Every boy (and probably some girls) who had access to a tv set was head-over-heels in lover her. And rightly so.