World Sex Laws

Gil Elvgren

Painting by Gil Elvgren

Sex laws around the world are as diverse as indigenous spices — an acceptable Scandinavian method of grinding genitalia together might get you barbarically executed in another region of the globe.

Globetrotting seducers and seductresses should exercise caution when they indulge in international orifices — flesh in one foreign harbor might be contraband in the next. Be sure to memorize local codes before you frolic with the natives.

Take adultery, for example.

The sophisticated French sport of extra-marital mounting hasn't quite been embraced yet in Somalia. Five wives who were convicted of humping and harrumphing the Sixth Commandment were publicly stoned to death in 1993 by cheering villagers in this East African nation. The rock-headed primitiveness was even videotaped.

Age-of-consent is another tricky topic. Roman Polanski — who fled the USA as a fugitive to avoid an "unlawful intercourse with a minor" charge after he nestled a 13-year-old nymphet — would not have been prosecuted in a tri-racial choice of nations: Spain, Nigeria, or Japan (where obsession with schoolgirls is bigger than Sumo.) His lover-girl's vagina would be considered fully adult in these areas. If the Pole contented himself with a 14-year-old romper, his field-of-play would be enormous: Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Honduras, Hungary, Russia, and Serbia.

Polanski's nastiness was in tangling with a Hollywood teen; California has an ancient age-of-consent: 18. The only nations that are more daughter-cautious than this are Egypt, Pakistan (21), and Saudi Arabia, where the law states simply that all women "must be married."

Nudity laws are also either stripped-down or grossly over-dressed. Le Cap d'Agde in France is an entirely clothing-optional city (population 40,000), thousands of bare buns bake on beaches in Europe, Australia, and Canada, and naturist joggers publicly flap and jiggle in San Francisco's annual Bay-To-Breakers footrace.

But skin is a carnal crime elsewhere: "unveiled" college girls in Algeria have been shot for exposing their lascivious mouths and chins, and have had acid thrown in their tempting faces. In Iran, women are flogged by "morality patrols" if their lovely hair slips wickedly out of their veils.

Needless to say, Islamic locales are generally ill advised for "sex adventurers." Here are some highlights, culled from this page:
1. Most Middle Eastern countries recognize the following Islamic law: "After having sexual relations with a lamb, it is a mortal sin to eat its flesh."

2. In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.

3. In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror.

4. Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times.

5. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.

Rape laws ’round the planet are also perplexing — the ugliest legislation exists in Latin American Catholic countries that exempt rapists from prosecution if they marry the victim. (Many raped women are pressured to wed their attackers because they're seen as "shamed" and "unmarriageable" after they've been penetrated.) In 1997, Peru repealed this rape-escape clause, but it smarmily lingers on in the skewed court books of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, The Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Paraguay.

On a cheerier note, it's entertaining to observe the silly USA city laws. Newcastle, Wyoming bans sex inside a store's meat freezer, and Tremonton, Utah has outlawed intercourse in ambulances — neither would I pick as a hot spot. In Connorsville, Wisconsin, it's illegal for a man to shoot off his gun when his female partner has an orgasm, and in Willowdale, Oregon, a man can't curse during sex. Both measures curb celebration, in my opinion.

Most repressive, though, is the Alexandria, Minnesota edict that says a man can't make love to his wife if he's got the stench of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath — if his wife demands it, he is legally forced to brush his teeth first.

Seems anti-Italian, to me!

See Also:
Pregnant Nympho Sex
Adopt an African Hottie's Clitoris
"Kneecaps, Eyeballs and Livers For Sale" — The World Organ Trade

36 thoughts to “World Sex Laws”

  1. “the ugliest legislation exists in Latin American Catholic countries that exempt rapists from prosecution if they marry the victim.”

    This law comes straight from the bible, see Deuteronomy, 22:28 and 22:29

    “22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;”
    “22:29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.”

    Talk about biblical nonsense…

  2. “Tremonton, Utah has outlawed intercourse in ambulances — neither would I pick as a hot spot.”

    On the contrary, you would be amazed the relationships that go on in the ambulance services. And sex in an ambulance is not unheard of. They spend many hours a day just parked somewhere waiting on a call. Some of them get bored, and I have second hand accounts from an Ex that this did happen even to her – and I came rather close to doing it once.

    Most laws like this are created because someone did something, and people could not put them in jail for it, so they changed the laws…

    I personally object to any laws that are only designed to stop people from doing mutually agreed upon things in any way that does not hurt others… everything else just needs to be pulled off the books.


  3. “5. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation. “

    I’m from Indonesia, the above point is just not true :P
    Wondering where u got it from…

  4. Update your prejudices or your sources of information.

    In my country, Chile, that sort of things simply do not happen.

    In Chile, law do not exempt rapists if they are married or get married with the victim.

  5. You need to do study of liquor laws also. Just in America there are neighboring counties where one is absolute prohibition and the other has drive-through liquor stores if you’re to drunk to walk.

  6. Most of this is bullocks. If you want screwed up sexual laws most can be found on the law books of the U.S.

  7. Florent G, the Biblical injunction doesn’t address lack of consent. Looks like it was originally a “shotgun marriage” provision. Unfortunately, since the virgin’s side isn’t included, the intent was easily corrupted.

  8. I’d like to know where the image comes from too. I believe its an illustration of the arabian nights.

  9. 1. Most Middle Eastern countries recognize the following Islamic law: “After having sexual relations with a lamb, it is a mortal sin to eat its flesh.”

    After a tender night with the lamb, how could you even dream of killing and eating your lover?

  10. >> would not have been prosecuted in a tri-racial choice of nations: Spain, Nigeria, or Japan (where obsession with schoolgirls is bigger than Sumo.)

    I don’t know about Spain or Nigeria, but this certainly is not true for Japan. I, too, would like to know your sources.

  11. Received some of this horsecrap in an email today! Apparently this ezine has no standards regarding submission. If you wish to submit it for an award, make sure it is for the category of racist propoganda… or other fiction! Editors, please screen!!!

    C’mon, even the name. Hank Hyena??? Get some credibility.

  12. Sources, please.
    and yes,:
    “the ugliest legislation exists in Latin American Catholic countries that exempt rapists from prosecution if they marry the victim.”

    This law comes straight from the bible, see Deuteronomy, 22:28 and 22:29

    “22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;”
    “22:29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.”

    Talk about biblical nonsense…”
    You just assumed “lying with someone” means rape? Rape is violence, sex is between to consenting adults. That assumption is what is nonsense.

  13. what kind of rubbish is this?

    muslims have sex with lambs!!

    where did u get ur s0urces from? do u think ur funney ?

    stop saying lies and start taking things seriously.

    just because its about islam that doesn’t give u the right to lie , and expect

    people to believe it.

    unlike americans or europeans, arabs take adultery seriously

    while americans thinks of it as a joke. aren’t u the ones who have sex just

    for the fun of it?

    the only people who thinks of these sick things are u. u r the first people to

    think about animal sex , and u throw it without thinking at arabs !!

    stop making up lies about things u dont know and grow up.

    ps. if u have anything to say, send me and e-mail.

  14. Luckily, in Canada, we have Hate Laws that empower citizens and the government to sue and punish racism. Recently (Winter 2007), a radio shock jock in Quebec was made to excuse himself publically and pay a substantial fine for dessiminating the racist invention about muslim laws allowing sex with female animals.

    These hateful, insulting lies are endlessly repeated on the net by amateurs such as yourself. Your posting these merely reveals your latent racism.

    Shame on you.

  15. Luckily, in Canada, we have Hate Laws that empower citizens and the government to sue and punish racism. Recently (Winter 2007), a radio shock jock in Quebec was made to excuse himself publically and pay a substantial fine for dessiminating the racist invention about muslim laws allowing sex with female animals.

    These hateful, insulting lies are endlessly repeated on the net by amateurs such as yourself. Your posting these merely reveals your (latent?) racism.

    Shame on you.

  16. Roman Polanski didn’t “nestle with a nymphet”; he was convicted of anal rape of a 13-year-old girl. He brutalized a child. Making light of sexual predators by playing down the seriousness of their crimes helps no one.

  17. Ok, I really would appreciate if you could stop writing such ignorant bull shit, and pirtraying latin america as a group of poor, uncivilized, under developed countries.


    thank you.

  18. its because of comments like this that americans arent appreciated much outside the US, its unfortunate that because of a few assholes like you, americans are viewed as ignorant, because def not all of them are…

  19. well this entry & ensuing comments certainly represent a victory for free speech. truth will out!

    re: “, it’s entertaining to observe the silly USA city laws. Newcastle, Wyoming bans sex inside a store’s meat freezer, and Tremonton, Utah has outlawed intercourse in ambulances”

    of course these are very sensible hygiene measures, not silly laws. i feel better knowing my oxygen tube & leg of beef havn’t had someone’s arse pumping up & down all over them

  20. in islam you are allowed only to enjoy sex with your legal partner.but in europe the sex in animals and in humen is the same there is no law acceptable to humanity,and God allowe it.illegal sex is common young girls are pregnant,chldren with out identity of thier father.homosexuality is an other common desiese. which is shame for the so called devoped countries.

  21. I am of the opinion that humans can use animals and other consenting adults in any way they deem fit.
    Whether this includes involving animals in sexual escapades is totally up to me and my partner.
    You people should open your eyes and stop trying to pretend that only Arabs practice bestiality, it is a world wide occurrence. Some cultures are simply more accomodating towards human sexual inclinations.

  22. I am literally shocked to the core, what is the world coming to when people can write things that aren’t true on interweb? The intarweb is supposed to be the last bastion of honesty in this increasingly corrupt world, if people can write anything they want regardless of facts, are we really any better than animals?
    But not by much…

  23. Whether these things are true or not is irrelevant. There are several points that are erroneous or invalid in several people’s comments.

    Blahblahblah, just because she was 13 does not make it rape. It was certainly illegal, but it was not necessarily rape.

    meqi, are you a legal expert?

    david, you do not know what you are talking about.

    Muslim araby, you do not even sound Arabic. The name alone gives that away.

    # arab defender, you call this rubbish and then proceed to badmouth Americans and Europeans. That is funny. :| Let me just answer your “facts” with some incite. First, no one was implying that Muslims have sex with lambs. They simply have the law in place. Second, this is a serious discussion, not a joke. No one is lying here. Third, US law does take adultery seriously. European law, I’m sure, does as well. Also, I do not think Arabic people would refer to themselves as “arabs”. Fourth, casual sex is not a joke. Many Americans simply do not feel the need to have a deep relationship with the person they are having sex with. Fifth, as someone said, beastiality is a world-wide phenomenon. Finally, you are the one who seems to be acting in a childish manner.

    LGrey, Polanski was never convicted. That was the whole point.

    sofia., your comments are in error.

    ric, you obviously do not know how a meat locker or an ambulance works. For one thing, hygiene is not a consideration in a FREEZER. As far as the ambulance goes, the equipment is not laying around where it can be fowled by some sex act. It also sounds like you have not had sex in a LONG time.

    s khan, your statement is insulting, rude, and WRONG. First, Europeans do not have sex openly. Second, most European countries, if not all, enforce their laws. Third, you seem to imply that the Christian god has no moral code and that Europeans are morally corrupt. Fourth, you have the nerve to spout that outdated crap about homosexuality being a disease. You sicken me. You also seem to have no grasp of the English language.

    Shocked, you seem to under the delusion that the term “interweb” is a legitimate word. I am sorry, but you fail. “Interweb” is portmanteau of “internet” and “World Wide Web” created by lazy “1337”ers who do not know any better. To use such a phrase in a comment on a publicly accessible site is to invite much ridicule and derision. It also means that anyone with any sense will take your comment for the birdcage lining it truly is.

  24. Fuck – what’s with you people?!

    The guy who wrote this is a journalist – he only writes down what someone told him.

    And the whole point of this guy for this is pretty simple – he wants us to work our brains to figure it out if this is true or not. If you want to object, do it nicely. For the rest, never take facts at face value – wake up, people! THINK!

  25. As those of you who claim to know the truth all were present when Roman Polanski did what he is accused of, why didn’t you stop him? I have no idea whatsoever what he did or didn’t do. Intelligence stops where belief kicks in.

  26. Sex should have no age of consent and people need desperately too get the who~scow out of our lives with laws like this. “O don’t stop reeding just yet, bobo. No law concerning sex should be allowed too continue. We have women that bury their kids in the back yard and say three black guys took them, wall them up or put them in basements because they look like their fathers, get their other siblings too have sex with them and then have them incarcerated because they don’t want to pay to feed them, murder and rape and point fingers at others and use what they do to harm others. Any debate on the subject is worthless and no age should be set for any sex at all. If we put everyone in jail for having sex we would have no money left for anything. Sex is the not an issue for anyone when we have people with both sexes sporting both parts. We have some really broken minds and judgmental laws that do nothing for anyone except the people that get rich from these laws. Doctors want only professionals too touch children at $90.00 an office visit, Lawyers get to chase skirts instead of ambulances and the clergy get their choice of the new parishioner. Police get too do cavity searches in privite and rich people pay other people to watch their own children shower. These laws boil down to the same grotesque social design that was used by the third rite that devastated Europe. It is all fake and worthless at the core, to design a social structure on a system that allows such activity, which is what this Which Hunt has shown. Our government can not sustain the cost and the truth be told was a plan used to undermine the structure of the US by laws coming from the legatus. The point that I am trying too make here is that sex is not murder. The connection made through law is not a valid connection and this has been know for thousands of years but since the different lands with different languages and the boarders between those lands have served the jetSeters and the powerful but will never serve the regulars, poor or anyone at the grass root and as long as were being poisoned, our water being poisoned, our minds being poisoned to the point that some would rant up a sweet over touching one another, something wrong.

    The General that I signed papers with told me he spent years in prison before he was exonerated by the courts. I had a major player in this tell me that I would quit likely die and would have to be replaced during the effort which would lock the door to the process. Well I am still here. I got the process by the short hairs and I will never let go. It’s not in my nature to give in. I know what they did and it’s not ok with me or anybody else. Most people never have too think about this stuff and largely goes unnoticed by most, but if people have someone that is a chip on the table and allot of money too make on the play, the guns come out. I am calling you a cheat and a lie. I am the twice chipped guy.

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